Most chips sales are U.S based. If you are buying from there, you may as well get a plan and buy in bulk cos shipping can be expensive.
You can also find some good chips from EU, which isn’t too bad shipping wise, but sales are fewer and far between.
If like many others, you will end up upgrading your chips several times and it could become like a hobby.
It might sound expensive but you will prob end up buying Paulsons at some point, so it could be more cost affective to skip what some might consider lesser chip manufacturers and go straight for some form of Paulson set up; even if you end up changing them for more European style high end plastics.
The cheapest Paulsons are RHC mould, they are compression moulded chips and reasonably cheap. THC mould is usually what some might consider another step up and costs a bit more.
I’d plan out what kinds of blinds you are playing, and with how many players. Then start buying racks until you get a playable set.
Whatever price you have in your head about spending, you will prob end up doubling or tripling.