Lots of great chippers in and around the Detroit. I always suggest if you can reach out to existing chippers and get an invite that often you can save a ton of money over buying samples. Often these chippers have years in the hobby and already went through all of those beginning phases, sure you can find people here with opinions and suggestions, but that's not the same as feeling and trying out chips.
I will say from what I know that most if the Michigan chippers are not huge holdem fans, most play mixed/circus games which is a whole different world. Mostly based off of Omaha so if you have the basic concepts of Omaha you can probably pick up on most of these games pretty quick.
Best of luck on your chipping journey and feel free to post pictures of what you have, no need to be embarrassed... we all obviously started somewhere and many here owned and still own their old Dice chips!
Always around if U can ever be of assistance!
Fellow Chipper Ben