Hey. I’m in Centreville. Do you run a regular games?
I play in a league that meets monthly, but I may try to schedule something outside those regular games. Will definitely post something if I do.
Hello and welcome!
It looks like you like solids!
Well, it’s really more a result of finding chips for sale that were in my budget, then building playable sets. Of course, as I’m sure you all know, one needs to be fairly flexible with budget when it comes to finding quality chips for sale these days. I certainly wouldn’t have made some of my purchasing decisions when I still had 2 kids in the house (especially my bottomless pit of a son - you wouldn’t believe the groceries a 6’7” 200lb kid can put away). But now that I’m an empty nester, I say screw it...I’ll spend my $ on what makes me happy!
: )
Welcome! We need close ups of the chips!
I will get more pics posted today!
TY, and I appreciate the name. I saw Trey Anastasio perform with Tedeschi Trucks Band at Lockn Fest last year...they performed “Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs” in its entirety to close Saturday night. Really something special to see. But I digress...this isn’t a music forum. : )
I will get more pics posted today!
Ok...here come the pics.
1. Paulson Starburst set I have configured for dealer’s choice cash game (.25/.50/1.00/5.00/10.00)
2. Paulson Starburst set I have configured for hold’em tourneys (25/100/500/1000/5000)
3. A mixed Paulson set configured for 1 table hold’em tourneys (25/100/500/1000/5000). This is my “road” set that I don’t mind taking to the legion or eagles club where they will be dropped or spilled/drooled on. : /
4. My first set of real chips - vintage Jack Todd diamond mold. Found a bunch of the MA chips at an antique shop outside KC back in the early 2000s. It took me a couple years to find suitable matches, but I eventually found the SWG chips that had the right feel/sound/quality to round out the set and make it usable and pleasing to the eye. (25/100/500/1000/5000).
5. This is my set of brand spanking new custom CPCs. I’m a Swede so I settled on a Nordic/Viking theme. The characters are Viking runes, with the large character on the reverse being the rune for the letter N (last name is Nelson). I intentionally left the $ sign off of the denominations and included a rack of 50s in my order so I could use for tourneys and dealer’s choice cash games (the denominations can represent pennies for cash games).
As an aside, I’m thinking of volunteering to host my league game for October (Halloween) and play under black lights.