Wanted Oceanside Card Club, The Post, Minty Argosy cancelled $25/$100 (1 Viewer)

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Full House
Apr 7, 2015
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Since people are liquidating things, figured I'd make a stab at stuff people want to lose to fund stuff.

Oceanside Card Club

STILL looking for $5, $25, $100 will also take $.25 and $.50, NCV 100, 500, 1000

Do not want : $1 or $10, seniors, etc.


The Post

Looking for rack or two of $5, rack of $20 or barrels of either.

Do not want $.25, $.50, $1, PAN


Argosy Cancelled - with cancellation hotstamp as I would have to remove from the 900 chips I have, would rather they matched.

Looking for 1 rack $100, barrel or rack of other higher denominations, MAYBE rack of $5 with blue/yellow edge spots if priced right.

Do not want $.50 or $1


I bought "The Post" for $1/chip from Spinetti's and the Argosy from arconeltd on eBay for about $.70/chip, from NCD for about $.85/chip so if you want to sell them to me, please note I am not paying a big premium as I don't have to have them that bad. I don't mind if you want to make some $$, but I am not paying $$$$.

The OCC on the other hand, would be willing to spend more depending on denomination, number available, etc.

Thanks for looking, let me know if you wanna part with some to fund your projects/other sets.


edited 4/15/16 to update wants, thanks for those that sold me some, still looking for others.


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But those catsup-relish-mustard OCC $10s are so sweet!

Good luck...
true, but it is for my brother's set, he has about a rack of them and does not use them, does not want more.
Anyone know who is rounder0120 on eBay is? Selling the argosy chips i want, so if it is you or know, pls contact me. And bump
bump, bought a rack of Argosy $5 and $25 from rounder0120 on eBay, whoever you are.

and who needed an Oceanside Card Club $.25 so badly they paid almost $20 for it?? I figured I could get it for $5 or less as a novelty for my brother's set, then it was a mission, then it was personal, then I gave up at $15+, but the earlier bidder got it, even after one other bidder stepped in after I stopped, so..... yeah, guess I should have bought those 10 chips at $3/each in 2006 when I had the chance.
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