Wanted One Matsui 43mm chip rack (1 Viewer)

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I have chipco, paulson, and 1 bud jones oversize but zero Matsui.

If you want the BJ let me know.
says it all.

yep, have planty of racks, not sure if it would be so economically logic to ship it alone from EU to USA.

Previously i was selling $5 usd per 1 ea of used matsui rack.

let me know if there be any interest in say group buy? or at least for 4 -6 racks i could place in a box to ship. i would also add some bonus items :)
if i recall, 43 mm matsuis perfectly fit into my birdcage.

That's what I'm told... and why I want one.

Thanks for your offer - if I can find some others nearby that want some, I'll let you know. Because like you say, shipping one just isn't economical.
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