Wanted Overland Hotel Reno $20 -- any quantity, NM/Mint (1 Viewer)

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Royal Flush
May 29, 2013
Reaction score
Looking to buy as many Overland Hotel Reno $20 chips in near mint - mint condition, as I can get my hands on.

If you have some that you can part with, please let me know!



I can't seem to add new comments, but can edit this one. I need these again. My "found" chips aren't all going to come through.
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I have a couple of singles I recently acquired, but these are almost impossible to find in quantity :(
Wait a minute! What happened to our plan to horde all the TRKs out here in the West @liftapint and @RainmanTrail? Mel you were getting the Nevada Club/Lodge and Rainman you were taking care of the Pick Hobsons. I was working on the Overlands, remember? Now you're cutting in on my territory?! :);)

Seriously, good luck with your search. They haven't been easy to find.
Wait a minute! What happened to our plan to horde all the TRKs out here in the West @liftapint and @RainmanTrail? Mel you were getting the Nevada Club/Lodge and Rainman you were taking care of the Pick Hobsons. I was working on the Overlands, remember? Now you're cutting in on my territory?! :);)

Seriously, good luck with your search. They haven't been easy to find.

Rainman has been cutting in on the Nevada Club/Lodge territory!!!!

I'm just looking to put together a barrel of these beautiful Overland $20s -- I knew more than that would be a lost cause, but I was hoping for a barrel. 18 to go! :)
It's really unfortunate that there aren't more of each of these sets out there. They're hands down the best chips ever made. I suppose we should just be happy that the rest of the chipping world hasn't figured this out yet ;)

However, there seems to be a few boarding the train recently. @Godzilla28 has been buying them up like a madman!
I really like the Overlands! I am starting a new set too!
Liftapint.. why don't you buy back your Bahamias so I can buy more NL/NCs :p
Liftapint.. why don't you buy back your Bahamias so I can buy more NL/NCs :p

Two words: not TRK

I think I am finished collecting Paulsons for now. In fact, I have more chips that must go. Some big ticket items up for sale next week. Weeding most Paulsons and some tourney chips out of my collection.

Now, back to the Overlands that I seek. Would be interested in other denoms too. Bust mostly these pretty $20s. Anyone??
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