Found Pacific Star BJ fracs, 1s, 20s, 100s (1 Viewer)

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3 of a Kind
Jul 23, 2018
Reaction score
I'm not planning on this being easy, but I am looking for Pacific Star fracs, 1s, 20s and hundos in any quantity. Will pay primo prices if someone is willing to let some of theirs go. TYIA!

Looking for the following quantities:
100 x .25s
200 x $1
80-100 x $20
20 x $100
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Curious what’s primo prices

Well, I payed $465 a rack for the 5s in an auction. Not sure if that would be considered "primo" by the current Pacific Stars owners, but if they named their price we can certainly see what happens :D.
Good luck! I gave up looking for these. You’ll have one hell of a set if you can pry some away. They are fantastic!
None of those prices would prompt me to sell anything, I'm afraid. And trust me on this one, those PS $5s went at that price only because I screwed up and got home at 10:01 that evening (no joke). :cool I might fine tune a bit, but in a very minor way, like selling some AS cash sample sets.

IMO, these chips and the BTPs were stunning achievements, "design by committee" or not.

Current ES/AS/PS holdings --

Empress Star Cash/Tourney:
201 x .25
461 x $1
440 x $5
200 x $20
110 x $100
41 x $500
1453 total

Empress Star Tourney Primary:
300 x t25
300 x t100
200 x t500
200 x t1000
60 x T5000
40 x T25000
1100 total

Aurora Star Cash Limit Set:
124 x .25
1724 x $1
24 x $2
24 x $2.50
424 x $5
315 x $20
42 x $25
126 x $100
2803 total

Aurora Star Tourney Set (sold):
50 x T5 (320 "Geared" into Aztar $5s)
50 total

Pacific Star Cash:
225 x 25c
325 x $1
420 x $5 (was 720 - 300 sent home 201902)
185 X $20
175 X $100
1330 total
Just for reference, looking for the following quantities for my set:

100 x .25s
200 x $1
80-100 x $20
20 x $100

Please PM any offers, no matter how ridiculous :wow:
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