I probably should clarify - I called with a combination of 1) being able to fold if I thought I was beat and 2) bringing in draws to build the pot for the times when I’m ahead. But, let’s finish the hand and then get to where I may have made the mistakes.
V2 (UTG+2) raises to 7
V3 (MP) calls 7
Hero - looks down at

- raises to 28
V1 (BB) calls
V2 (UTG+2) calls
V3 (MP) calls
Pot is $113
Flop comes

V1 (BB) checks
V2 (UTG+2) checks
V3 (MP) bets $76
Hero calls $76
V1 (BB) shoves for $193
V2 (UTG-2) folds
V3 (MP) tanks, and then reluctantly flat calls.
Hero goes into the tank. His read on V1 is that this is a flush draw, but could be a two pair. Don’t love the call by V3, but if he had a set (and probably two pair) then he is going to raise and not just flat call. Hero’s read is also that he isn’t that strong.
Hero ultimately decides to shove; calling doesn’t leave much in our stack and read is that V3 is either too weak to call or behind.
Hero shoves $110 (or so)
V3 calls (much to hero’s surprise).
It’s about as good as hero can hope for.
V1 has

V3 has

So, positive is that hero’s reads are pretty good and we’re in a good spot. Negative is that we’re actually not the favorite (didn’t realize that at the time, but in looking it up afterwards V1 is 49% favorite to Hero’s 41%).
I think the mistake was trying to do two things with the call - both giving an opportunity to get out of the hand if the turn was scary and trying to be greedy to get draws to call. So was playing both scared and tricky at the same time. That was why I was looking for input from folks. Not one way to play it, but helpful to clarify the the thought processes.
To finish the hand:
Turn is

River is
Hero loses.
Not necessarily upset, because a heart coming was always a possibility of losing the hand, but unsure if the line was good (no hearts and hero almost triples up).
*PS - hero doesn’t actually know V3s hand. Cards aren’t actually tabled until the river. Hero tables his hand, knowing he’s beat. V1 tables the flush. V3 mucks his hand. Main pot is pushed to V1 and side pot is pushed to hero. As cards are being shuffled and dealt for the next hand V3 tells the table he had an A with a low heart, not realizing he should have won the side pot (if that is what he actually had).