For Sale Palais des Congres, sample sets (options) (1 Viewer)

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Royal Flush
May 29, 2013
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
205   0   0
I now have a large set of Palais des Congres chips (prOn some day, I promise).
In the process of putting together my set, I've purchased several lots of chips. I've finished cleaning and sorting the chips that needed it (those from @leo822 did not need it -- they were perfect!), and have ended up with some scratch-and-dent chips and some incomplete racks, which I thought I would offer up as sample sets.

I'm offering a couple of different options, at different price points, depending on what's important to you in a sample set. I'm offering my cherry picked awesome extras (incomplete racks), but I'm also offering sample sets with large flea bites at a lower price, in case someone doesn't really care about flea bites for chips siting in a box or display case of samples. Choose whatever option works best for you.

Prices do not include shipping (see below for shipping cost)


Cherry picked excellent condition
a) 4 chip set ($5, $10, $20, $50): $28
b) 5 chip set (4 chip set plus the very rare $1 chip): $36 -- limited supply

Large flea bites -- see photos for examples of what these chips would look like
c) 4 chip set ($5, $10, $20, $50): $13 -- limited supply
d) 5 chip set (4 chip set plus the very rare $1 chip): $18 -- very limited supply - SOLD OUT

Buyer to pay $3 shipping in a bubble mailer, and either use Paypal Friends and Family or cover the fees. International shipping also an option, at actual shipping cost.

You can either just send payment to and send me a PM with your shipping address (and which option you chose). Or feel free to contact me via PM first with questions. I will update this original post if I run of any of the options listed above. If you see an option listed, that means it's still available for now.

As always, cat hair included free of charge. I should have plenty for all sample sets.

Will update post #8 with sample set order status.

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In for a 5 chip sample set with flea bites if one side is in good condition. Looks like most of them are only chipped on one side.
Reserved to indicate payments received (should have done this in Post 2, oops).

Psypher1000 (5cherry) - paid
Moose (5flea, extra hair) - paid
Shaggy (5flea) - paid
JFCJ (5flea) - trade
Ben (4flea) - paid
Madforpancakes (5cherry) - paid, delivered
MatB - paid
Ovo - paid
Don Clay - paid

Tigon (5flea)
Rainman (4cherry)
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In for 4-chip flea-bitten por favor. Payment coming. Hold the cat hair - I'm allergic (you can give mine to @moose :cautious:)

Edit: payment sent
IF theres any left. I'll take a 5 chip cherry picked please
The 5-chip flea-bitten sets have sold out (ie. I ran out of the rare $1s with flea bites).

I have a few more 4-chip flea-bitten sets left, and plenty of the cherry-picked sets.
If someone falls in love with these when you get the sample set, hit me up. I absolutely have more chips than I need in this set now, and could easily share it. I could peeling off another pretty good sized set, and still be left with more than enough for myself.
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