For Sale Paulson Derby Gran Casino Auction (2 Viewers)

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Nov 10, 2014
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palmdale, ca
Rating - 100%
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Up for auction is a set of 600 Paulson Derby Gran Casino hips. The $1's are in good used condition and need cleaning. The $5's and $25's are in very good condition. The $100's I will call near mint condition due to the the faded rolling purple edge spots on some of the chips (not on chip face). This can put you on tilt. Otherwise they would be mint condition. I just want to be up front. They seem to not have been played and have sharp edges. Racks not included.

$1 x 200
$5 x 200
$25 x 100
$100 x 100


2. Bids must be placed in minimum increments of $5
3. The Starting Bid of the auction will be treated as the Reserve Price.
4. All bids are to be placed openly in this thread. No bids via PM/Conversation.
5. Auction will use the '5 minutes after last closing bid rule'. Highest bid at [9:30PM, PacificTime Zone, Sunday 01-14-18] will win unless there is a bid within 5 minutes of closing time - then the closing time will be 5 min. after the latest bid was posted.
6. Edited posts will be voided.
7. I reserve the right to: i) cancel the auction if no bids have been made; ii) edit the listing to correct errors or clarify rules as needed.
8. PCF (it's Owner, Admins, and Moderators) are in no way responsible for any actions in this auction.
9. Shipping Terms: Add $22 for large flat rate box with delivery confirmation domestic. Actual shipping charge for international.
10. Payment Terms: pay pal friends and family

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Oh my goodness, I need a barrel of those hundos. I might have to play here, just to get one!
Per the chipguide I think these ones may have been from an actual cardroom in Porterville CA, which may or may not have ever opened. I believe these are different than all the fantasy derby Gran THC chips.
Thanks, I was surprised when I looked at this auction to see chips I didn’t recognize, because I know I’ve seen derby gran chips before. This explains it, I guess.
They are all fantasy chips. Porterville didn't use Paulsons, iirc.

Ah. So these chips shouldn't be in the Chip Guide, then, unless they're listed under Fantasy? And they do show another set of Paulsons -- primary and secondary?

And they don't have any hundo shown at all -- do have $500s -- so might appreciate a picture from this set anyway.

Thanks for all the info...
Ah. So these chips shouldn't be in the Chip Guide, then, unless they're listed under Fantasy? And they do show another set of Paulsons -- primary and secondary?

And they don't have any hundo shown at all -- do have $500s -- so might appreciate a picture from this set anyway.

Thanks for all the info...

There is also a $1k, though I don't know of anyone who has them and have never seen one for sale..

Ah. So these chips shouldn't be in the Chip Guide, then, unless they're listed under Fantasy? And they do show another set of Paulsons -- primary and secondary?
They are definitely not from the Porterville casino, which closed in the 1960s -- before Paulson started producing chips, and long before Paulson introduced the RHC mold. Like several other Paulson fantasy sets, they may have been initially produced for a casino that never opened, produced as a custom order for an individual (they did such things back then), or just created on the whim of a Paulson employee for resale in the company store.

Safest bet is "casino that never opened, or didn't pay their bill' -- since there are roulette chips along with the cash checks.
The horse and horseshoe inlay images are similar - but not exactly the same - as images used by the Derby Gran Casino located at the Jockey Club del Peru in Lima:


It's possible that the Paulson chips were made for this facility, and then either rejected, or not paid for. It's also possible that Paulson tried to get their business, and created the chips in either an attempt to convince them to buy, or in spite when they didn't.

The casino uses BJ chips, with a completely different horse logo:

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