Wanted Paulson Flamingo, Fabulous, Eldorado .... (1 Viewer)

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The Kid

Two Pair
Mar 26, 2015
Reaction score
Hello guys,
I m looking for Paulsons Flamingo $1 with edges spots and $5.
If you have some chips or a rack contact me.
If you have some Paulsons sky blue with edges spots, i can be interested to.
Shipping to California.
Thanks for read.
Hi ...
I have 600 Flamingo $1 chips.
By now I am again at a point of my life where i am selling chips.
I am not really convinced to give them away. Also since i would need an alternative because they are the main part of my only fixed limit set.
I am quite sure that 80-90% of them are the ones with edgespots.

Here is a quick teaser:


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Not trying to jump a thread but after @The Kid looks at the flamingos if there are any left I would be in if you are selling @Felix Or if a trade is in order let me know I may have something

Those are beautiful and could not pass on posting something
Spots with birds is the way to go, IMO. Nice four racks, Felix. Such a tiny touch makes such a big difference...
Not sure what the exact breakdown of them is. More or less all of them have spots, but I am not sure about the bird ratio. But the older ones without the birds have a crosshatched inlay, which IMHO feels nicer than the glossy inlays. I have 6 racks in total. Maybe I find the time to sort through them to pick out the birds ;)

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I just sorted through all of them and these are the exact numbers of each version:

Bird + Edgespots: 378
Bird NO Edgespots: 18
NO Bird + Edgespots: 204

The birds add a nice touch to the new chips, but the printing of the "flamingo" logo together with the crosshatched inlays that the older ones have almost make up for the missing bird IMHO.
@Felix, would take 50 of the bird + edgespots if @The Kid doesn't want and if you wish to split/sell. Thanks!
Still not sure if I want to sell these at all. First they are a nice keepsake of the times I spent in Vegas. Second, they are the only chips that I have in a big enough quantity (over 400) to be able to host a fixed limit game with. Therefore they would need to be replaced. Third, I paid more than face value for them plus taxes and shipping to germany, which added significantly to the final price I had to pay for them. Fourth, if the flamingo is still only adding the version without edgespots, their value will probably continue to rise. And last but not least, I just love those chips.
So if someone is really really interested in them, it will be pricy.

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I was going to express my interest in these as well as I could always use more. But then you had to go ahead and say they would be very pricey! :) Nice set though.
Still not sure if I want to sell these at all. First they are a nice keepsake of the times I spent in Vegas. Second, they are the only chips that I have in a big enough quantity (over 400) to be able to host a fixed limit game with. Therefore they would need to be replaced. Third, I paid more than face value for them plus taxes and shipping to germany, which added significantly to the final price I had to pay for them. Fourth, if the flamingo is still only adding the version without edgespots, their value will probably continue to rise. And last but not least, I just love those chips.
So if someone is really really interested in them, it will be pricy.

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No problem, appreciate the feedback. Count me out.
I don't want to sound like a rip-off here, so here's a rough calculation.
Biggest problem might be the fact that shipping already expensive stuff over the pond will make it even more expensive.
I collected these from different sources and in average i paid more than $150/rack. I found one payment in my mail where i paid $240 for 125 of them (yes i wanted to have them so badly:oops:)
So lets say $150/rack * 6 = $900, then add at approx. $90 for shipping costs of two medium flatrate boxes (i think that was the price back in 2011. Round that to a $1,000 to have a round number and add 19% EU import tax to that. Voila, you have the insane price i paid for them. And this is just the math without all the "keepsake and only fixed-limit set i own" yadda yadda :x
Did i already mention that i sold 130 Ritz $100 chips to buy these. So it has been a long and cost intensive journey for me to put this set together.
Paying around $150/rack for these will probably be foolish for US residents who can rather spend that extra cost in hotel and trip fees to Vegas and cherry pick them personally.
Therefore this might only make sense for other EU fellows who really want to have them.

Sorry for all these details. I just wanted to clarify how much more than just paypal-ing a $125 to someone on eBay was involved in putting these together.
Totally understand. No justification needed. I only have about 250 of these (bird with spots) but I spent an average of close to $2 per to get them in decent shape.
Totally understand. No justification needed. I only have about 250 of these (bird with spots) but I spent an average of close to $2 per to get them in decent shape.
Ok, then you know the struggle ;)
But I am surprised that even in the US you gotta pay a price like that. I remember that I got two racks of the bird with spots version in mint uncirculated condition from a fellow CTer back in the days. IIRC it was Marsha.

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Ok, then you know the struggle ;)
But I am surprised that even in the US you gotta pay a price like that. I remember that I got two racks of the bird with spots version in mint uncirculated condition from a fellow CTer back in the days. IIRC it was Marsha.

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Yup. I really wanted them also. :D Yeah it's really all about timing I think. And especially because they changed the design of the $1 chip to have no edgespots now so it is really hard to find any of this design in decent shape at this point. I had to pay that much about 3-4 years ago now.
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