Wanted Paulson Hotstamps (1 Viewer)

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Full House
Jan 17, 2015
Reaction score
Riverside, CA
Please let me know if you have Paulson hotstamps that are tourney denoms, maybe even non-denom. Chips should be good or better, stand on edge easily.

Please PM me so the other vultures on here don't swoop in. :D
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Just curious, if you have a more specific clarification of "tourney denoms." (What if there's a $ symbol in hotstamp? Chips starting at T5 & up? Or T25 & up? Or doesn't matter?)
Don't care if there's a $ sign. Mostly looking for something to go with the purple T100's that @uclaure is selling. I figure a 500 that isn't purple would be a long shot. Looks like those might be sold already anyway though. So now interested in what I can find.

Someone contacted me about some T500's that are purple. So if someone has a T1000, I'd like to snag those. But also interested in what people have.
I have a few barrels of mint Grand Casino Gulfport T5000s. They are hotstamp, grey solids. PM me if interested.
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