Wanted Paulson "Ladies" Blue Chips (10-20 each) (1 Viewer)

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High Hand
Jun 17, 2015
Reaction score
Dayton, OH
As the subject line says, I'm looking for just 10 to 20 more of the solid blue chips in the picture below, preferable in mint condition.

This was a set sold by Apache Poker Chips not long ago but there's no extras left anymore. I'm willing to pay an 'above average' price since I'm in need of so few of them. I may also be interested in more of the other varieties of these chips, depending on price. Thanks!

I have 50 black solid, 20 blue solid, and 10 magenta solid. 14 of the black chips have the wrong picture, green panties girl same as the magenta chips.

Plus of course 300 purple spotted and 200+ hot pink spotted.

I might be willing to work a deal that includes a trade of my green panties girl black chips for black chips with the picture of girl sitting with her back to the left.
I don't have that actual set with the black chips - I was just using it for reference. I'll send you a PM.
Sorry but I gave away a few sample sets of these a while ago. If I find anymore, I'll PM you and send it to you.
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