Wanted Paulson or CC cash set (1 Viewer)

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Two Pair
Nov 29, 2018
Reaction score
Hi, I'm fairly new to the forum and looking for a nice cash set. Must have denominations and im looking for the following 200 .25's 200 1's 50 5's and 50 25's. My budget is around the $500 mark. PM me if there are any sets going, oh and I'm from Scotland UK so international shipping is a must, Cheers.
If you can only afford CC I’d save up and plunge into paulsons, you can most likely put together a HS Cincy set around that budget


With your breakdown you could get these at $225 and still look for 200 quarters with remaining balance
My budget is flexible it's just finding the right denominations I've having trouble with.
The horseshoes are nice, but be aware that those are the primary set, and are worn from casino use.

I would advise getting samples to see if you like used chips, or would prefer mint condition.

It’s expensive when you ship sets internationally and then decided you want a different one. Trust me I speak from experience.
Yeah I see what your saying Perthmike but for the price they seem really good! At least I'm getting somewhere now though. Thanks a lot folks much appreciated
Toothbrush , bowl warm water and dawn soap, maybe get your kids out and pay them 10$ an hour lol to help scrub
If you're a hobbyist and you think this won't be your last set in the next year or two, just pull the trigger on an ultrasonic cleaner - eBay has them for about $100 shipped (in USA). Will save you days worth of time and keep your fingers from atrophying :D. I wish I did this 2 sets ago.

Another option is @ekricket's Pharaoh CC's. More than you need but also under your budget and won't need cleaning.

Worn Paulson's and CCs are have their place as great value chips but I've owned sets of both and I personally (to each their own) wish I skipped them for a set in excellent to mint condition right off the bat. If you're the type of person who gets something that's mid-rate and keeps eyeing the pricer models/versions I'd save up and keep playing with the dice chips for another few months and get your dream-ish set.
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@The Chip Exchange has also those you could use as fracs :
They are solid 36mm (so undersized) and would accept a standard (non laminated) label from @Gear .

This is the route I chose.
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Hi @celticnoel, we're in the same boat here as new EU chippers. Whenever ordering from US based vendors, always account for increased shipping rates and import taxes on shipment values larger than $50.
Hi @celticnoel, we're in the same boat here as new EU chippers. Whenever ordering from US based vendors, always account for increased shipping rates and import taxes on shipment values larger than $50.
Yeah those shipping charges are a real ball buster eh!
Ok I think I've decided I'll go for Paulson's that are good to mint condition and just suck up the cost of shipping etc. If I'm buying a good cash set I want to have the best my money can buy, so I'm on the hunt for .25's 1's and 5's plus maybe I'll add on a few 25's also. 500 is my prime amount to fit into my wooden chip box I bought in Vegas.
I have a 500 chip set of CC pharoahs that I could be convinced to part with. 5c, 25c, $1, $5 and $25 denoms. PM me if you are interested.
I have a 500 chip set of CC pharoahs that I could be convinced to part with. 5c, 25c, $1, $5 and $25 denoms. PM me if you are interested.
Cheers but I think I'll go with some Paulson's if I can't find what I'm looking for I'll keep you in mind, thanks
Cheers but I think I'll go with some Paulson's if I can't find what I'm looking for I'll keep you in mind, thanks
If you’re unsure about how many of each denomination there’s dozens of threads out there that I’d check out solely devoted to this. Good luck with the hunt!
You may have just found the exact chip I am looking for, thank you sir! I love the look of them I think I'll order a sample set of these as they seem to be exactly what I'm looking for!

You won't be disappointed. They look and feel great in person.
To be confortable, I think 600 chips are the nuts for NL games:
If you want to go with 500 only, then maybe 100/200/100/100 or 100/150/150/100 ...
Oh OK, I thought you were full ring.
So indeed 500 would be more than enough for just 6.

If you apply a ratio 6/10 to the breakdown I proposed you, you arrrive at 60/120/120/60 which is just 360.
I recommend buying full racks rather than 60 chips here and 120 there.

Indeed, it'll help in case he wants to resell later. A playable 10-handed game would resell easier than a 6-handed one.
Also, foreseeing some spares would be a good idea in case of lost, break, ...
Yeah I probably will buy full racks, does anyone have any idea how long shipping takes to UK? I can't see on the Apache site, Cheers
Apache delivers fast to Europe (at least to Belgium).
Between one and two weeks. Never had to wait more than 2 weeks.
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