For Sale PCA Dealer Button & Money Clip Auction (ends tonight) (1 Viewer)

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4 of a Kind
Mar 25, 2013
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Since I sold my PCA set I guess I no longer have a need for this dealer button and money clip. The money clip is brand new in plastic.

A quick auction.


- All bids are to be placed openly in this thread (no PM bids allowed).
- Bid is for both items.
- Bids in minimum increments of $2.
- Edited bid posts will be void
-US shipping only
- Auction closes tonight Sunday, April 17th at 11:00 EDT and incorporates the "5 minutes after last closing bid rule". Highest bid before 11pm will win the auction unless there is a bid within 5 minutes of closing time. Then the closing time will be 5 min. after that last bid was posted. For example, if someone bids at 10:55pm tonight and no one bids after, then the auction ends at 11:00pm. Done! If there is a bid at 10:58pm, then that bid is good until 11:03. And more bids can ensue until 5 minutes time has passed without a bid. This eliminates last second sniping.
- I reserve the right to change the rules at any time,
but will do so with the intent of running a fair auction.
- For the same reason, I also reserve the right to cancel the auction at any time and/or void any/all bids.
Tommy and PCF are in no way responsible for any actions in this auction.

Thanks, and good luck! Feel free to ask me any questions.

Bid starts at $15.00


I just wanted the button and am too lazy to get a group order going.

You paid $22 for a PCA button? Wow -- I assumed the real attraction for PCA set owners was the money clip.

Man, I don't want to read any more complaints about Paulson chip inflation... :cool:
I'd been all over that money clip if it had been from the Admiral and not Iowa, of all obscure places...... o_O
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