Two Pair
So close to being done.
1 full rack of the MINT PCA fracs/.50 left, come on let's do it!
Churlbut12 200 x 1s acknowledged
Jemfernandez 100 x 5s, 65 x 25s, 13 x100s acknowledged
Basque Bull 25 x fracs, 100 x 5s, 40 x 25s acknowledged
Irish 55 x 5s acknowledged
Phaze12 105 x 1s acknowledged
*Offers to split the set*
I have received several offers on chips if I decide to split the set, I am willing to do this, if all chips are sold. Full rack offers will take precedence over split rack offers. An offer for the whole set, will take precedence over splitting the set.
PM me your requests and pricing, I will update this thread as needed.
105 x .50 (25 sold/80 left)
305 x $1 (all sold)
255 x $5 (all sold)
105 x $25 (80 sold/25 left)
13 x $100
Thanks for the interest
Mint PCA secondaries for sale, one of the finest casino sets that came out of the ChipRoom, definitely one the most sought after $5s.
$2000 plus shipping (FRB), PP/FF only. I am willing ship overseas, shipping prices will be determined after the sale.
At this time, I'm only willing to sell the set as a whole.
105 x .50
305 x 1.00
255 x 5.00 (20 were purchased from MikesDad in Oct, he stated they had been used 5 times)
105 x 25.00
13 x 100.00
2 x Dealer Button (made by PGI)
Total Chips 783
I'm firm in the price, as I don't need the money. The money will stay in the hobby, going towards a CPC custom set.
Fifty $5s were added after the first two pics, the pics with box only show 230 of the $5s.
So close to being done.
1 full rack of the MINT PCA fracs/.50 left, come on let's do it!
Churlbut12 200 x 1s acknowledged
Jemfernandez 100 x 5s, 65 x 25s, 13 x100s acknowledged
Basque Bull 25 x fracs, 100 x 5s, 40 x 25s acknowledged
Irish 55 x 5s acknowledged
Phaze12 105 x 1s acknowledged
*Offers to split the set*
I have received several offers on chips if I decide to split the set, I am willing to do this, if all chips are sold. Full rack offers will take precedence over split rack offers. An offer for the whole set, will take precedence over splitting the set.
PM me your requests and pricing, I will update this thread as needed.
105 x .50 (25 sold/80 left)
305 x $1 (all sold)
255 x $5 (all sold)
105 x $25 (80 sold/25 left)
13 x $100
Thanks for the interest
Mint PCA secondaries for sale, one of the finest casino sets that came out of the ChipRoom, definitely one the most sought after $5s.
$2000 plus shipping (FRB), PP/FF only. I am willing ship overseas, shipping prices will be determined after the sale.
At this time, I'm only willing to sell the set as a whole.
105 x .50
305 x 1.00
255 x 5.00 (20 were purchased from MikesDad in Oct, he stated they had been used 5 times)
105 x 25.00
13 x 100.00
2 x Dealer Button (made by PGI)
Total Chips 783
I'm firm in the price, as I don't need the money. The money will stay in the hobby, going towards a CPC custom set.
Fifty $5s were added after the first two pics, the pics with box only show 230 of the $5s.
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