I've heard a lot about raffle burnout lately, so I decided to take a look at the numbers. I evaluated all raffles from November 2016 to November 2017. Here's what I found.
Total Raffles: 84
Successful Raffles: 48
Overall Raffle Success Rate: 57%
Successful Raffle Amount:
Average: $896
Median: $525
Total Value of Complete Raffles: $41,312
Canceled Raffle Amount:
Average: $1521
Median: $1000
Raffle success rate if value is greater than the average: 45%
Raffle success rate if value is greater than the median: 52%
Largest Attempted Raffle: @bergs Dunes set
Most Attempted Raffles: @Drumhoss with 11
(Most by non-vendor was a tie between @David O and @The Kid with 4)
And finally, Raffles by Month:
It looks like September is when we reached peak raffle, but I will add this caveat; @Drumhoss fired off seven raffles that month and most of them were low value.
For those of you who say you're burned out on raffles, I think the numbers justify your feelings. Raffles over the past year followed a cycle of many raffles in one month followed by a cool down period of one or two months. After the May cool down, the raffles came back stronger each successive cycle. November looks like it will continue the upward trend since we're only ten days into the month and we've already had as many raffles as October.
Anyway, there it is!
Update: I've added information on ticket cost and quantity below.
For Successful Raffles:
Average Ticket Cost: $17.85
Average Ticket Quantity: 38.97
Median Ticket Cost: $20
Median Ticket Quantity: 25
For Failed Raffles:
Average Ticket Cost: $23.79
Average Ticket Quantity: 47.53
Median Ticket Cost: $25
Median Ticket Quantity: 40
Update 2:
Taking another look at the success rate of ticket prices.
Ticket Price Range / Success Rate
$1 to $10 - 71.43%
$11 to $20 - 72.73%
$21 to $30 - 35.00%
$31 to $40 - 50.00%
40+ 0%
Ticket price range percentage of total raffles
$1 to $10 -27.63%
$11 to $20 - 28.95%
$21 to $30 - 26.32%
$31 to $40 - 13.16%
40+ 3.95%
Total Raffles: 84
Successful Raffles: 48
Overall Raffle Success Rate: 57%
Successful Raffle Amount:
Average: $896
Median: $525
Total Value of Complete Raffles: $41,312
Canceled Raffle Amount:
Average: $1521
Median: $1000
Raffle success rate if value is greater than the average: 45%
Raffle success rate if value is greater than the median: 52%
Largest Attempted Raffle: @bergs Dunes set
Most Attempted Raffles: @Drumhoss with 11
(Most by non-vendor was a tie between @David O and @The Kid with 4)
And finally, Raffles by Month:
It looks like September is when we reached peak raffle, but I will add this caveat; @Drumhoss fired off seven raffles that month and most of them were low value.
For those of you who say you're burned out on raffles, I think the numbers justify your feelings. Raffles over the past year followed a cycle of many raffles in one month followed by a cool down period of one or two months. After the May cool down, the raffles came back stronger each successive cycle. November looks like it will continue the upward trend since we're only ten days into the month and we've already had as many raffles as October.
Anyway, there it is!
Update: I've added information on ticket cost and quantity below.
For Successful Raffles:
Average Ticket Cost: $17.85
Average Ticket Quantity: 38.97
Median Ticket Cost: $20
Median Ticket Quantity: 25
For Failed Raffles:
Average Ticket Cost: $23.79
Average Ticket Quantity: 47.53
Median Ticket Cost: $25
Median Ticket Quantity: 40
Update 2:
Taking another look at the success rate of ticket prices.
Ticket Price Range / Success Rate
$1 to $10 - 71.43%
$11 to $20 - 72.73%
$21 to $30 - 35.00%
$31 to $40 - 50.00%
40+ 0%
Ticket price range percentage of total raffles
$1 to $10 -27.63%
$11 to $20 - 28.95%
$21 to $30 - 26.32%
$31 to $40 - 13.16%
40+ 3.95%
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