Wanted Piatnik Red Jumbo Index Bridge (1 Viewer)

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David O

Royal Flush
Jul 17, 2015
Reaction score
The Great State of Texas
I know @Kyle was looking for some and I believe he found a couple so now I am going to see if anyone has any. Right now I have a stash of blue backs and need some red decks. I have tried the Piatnik Factory again and again and they say they do not have any and I already bought up al of the blue:cool:

Ley me know if you can help.I will probably be releasing a few more of the Blue decks that I have left.

Thanks in advance for any help!
Good luck David, I'm so far back in line looking for these but I do hope you especially turn some up. :cool:
Maybe I should close mine and you start one. Either that if I find any I will split with you. Heck who knows I might just let you have dibs!
You have many more Blue Piatniks that need to match up with a Red mate. Beside if it wasn't for you we wouldn't have any of these Piatniks.

But if you do find more than you need I'll take any extra you don't use. Same thing If I find some as well. Besides all of a sudden I've got card running out my ears.
Is this a line?
I love Piatniks and I love red.
I'll stand right here.
Well a quick report back. I was able to find three decks which were the last three a retail store overseas had. I think I paid through the nose :eek: for them but I did get three decks so I am happy:LOL: :laugh:

It wouldn't be the first tieI overpaid for something I wanted/needed but I guess getting the blue backs for so cheap the cost worked out good! I wish they had more. I guess I will continue searching.
Very nice. Seems like all the cards we like are not produced anymore or very hard to find. Ha ha!

But glad to have a few set ups.

Looking forward to the Desjgn mess to be settled soon too.
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