Had this hand happen last night at Bo Manor. Note, I am still new to PLO and learning at the tables.
Game is $.25/$.50, switching between PLO and NLHE every orbit.
Hero is sitting on just under $300 to start the hand. Hero understands the basics and some strategy of PLO, but is not always sure how to play certain hands and draws. Hero is UTG +1.
Villain is the most experienced PLO player at the table, and is always trying to get the group to play more often. Villain has very LAG image, and is known to try to push people around when he perceives and weakness. Villain has Hero covered to start the hand, thanks to a player who loved to push stacks with no equity.
Hero is dealt Ac Jc Kh 10h. UTG limps in, and Hero pots to $2.50. 3 players call, so $10 in the pot. I think this part of the hand is pretty straight forward, and most players would raise with this hand.
Flop is Js 10c 7d. Hero sees this as a great flop. villain checks, and hero pots to $10. folds to villain, who re-pots to $40.
Action on Hero? WWYD?
Game is $.25/$.50, switching between PLO and NLHE every orbit.
Hero is sitting on just under $300 to start the hand. Hero understands the basics and some strategy of PLO, but is not always sure how to play certain hands and draws. Hero is UTG +1.
Villain is the most experienced PLO player at the table, and is always trying to get the group to play more often. Villain has very LAG image, and is known to try to push people around when he perceives and weakness. Villain has Hero covered to start the hand, thanks to a player who loved to push stacks with no equity.
Hero is dealt Ac Jc Kh 10h. UTG limps in, and Hero pots to $2.50. 3 players call, so $10 in the pot. I think this part of the hand is pretty straight forward, and most players would raise with this hand.
Flop is Js 10c 7d. Hero sees this as a great flop. villain checks, and hero pots to $10. folds to villain, who re-pots to $40.
Action on Hero? WWYD?