First, I would like to say that I hope any and all of our chippers and/or their families who are being impacted by the California wildfires are safe and sound. Lives are most important, possessions can largely be replaced.
It did get me thinking though. A fire or other disaster is imminent. You can only save ONE of your sets (the others would be gone forever). Which one do you grab on the way out the door? No limits on amount of chips in the set, but you can only grab one set (assume other belongings, pets, family are safe).
As much as I would like to say it would be my customs, I think I am grabbing my CDI98 set. Reasons tilting in its favor are the time I spent putting it together, value, really loving the set and the chips in it, leaded, and set size.
What do you grab and why?
It did get me thinking though. A fire or other disaster is imminent. You can only save ONE of your sets (the others would be gone forever). Which one do you grab on the way out the door? No limits on amount of chips in the set, but you can only grab one set (assume other belongings, pets, family are safe).
As much as I would like to say it would be my customs, I think I am grabbing my CDI98 set. Reasons tilting in its favor are the time I spent putting it together, value, really loving the set and the chips in it, leaded, and set size.
What do you grab and why?
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