Poker table build with raised rail (1 Viewer)


New Member
May 26, 2024
Reaction score
N Arizona, USA
Hey, everyone

I’m planning to build my own 84”x42” poker table and I’m planning to do a raised rail. I have a couple questions about the diffuser.

1. Should there be an overhang between the rail and the diffuser?

E.g. (if you have a 5.5” rail would you set the diffuser back 0.5” to create a recess?)

Or would you just have them sit right on top of each other. I know 1” foam is a standard so with the .5” recess and 1” foam the diffuser might not be that visible because it’ll seem 1.5” further back.

2. If I’m planning to put in cup holders can I use the 3/4” plywood to make the rings or should I buy the full 1” plywood to make the rings
I prefer the diffuser only set back ~1/8"
3/4" ply for the rings is fine. Use scraps for them, no need for 1".

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