My fiancee needs a bit of dental work. We've been putting it off for a bit, but she's in lot of pain, so I need to be able to pay for it this week. So I'm thinking of selling two cash sets. Looking for price estimates for the below.
PCA set - All Secondaries, all unused when I got them.
1's x 300 - Used the most. Could use a bath, but all still sharp edges.
5's x 340 - Used, sharp edges
25's x 100 - Used the least. Very sharp edges, some may still be chalky.
100s x 20 - Bought new, maybe used only twice.
Oh, and there's a rack of unbranded Paulson roulettes that I've been using as fracs. Navy blue (Blurple?) hotstamps with the word "roulette" and a big number 5.
(Hurts to even type that...)
Four Suits set - Bought second-hand, used four times by me. Still in VERY good condition.
1 rack nickels
2 racks quarters
2 racks dollars
3 racks five dollars
1 rack twenties
I have five extras of each chip, plus a barrel of mislabeled hundreds. They're the black chip, but they have the 20 inlay. (LOL BCC QC)
Thoughts on prices? Probably better off breaking up the PCA set into racks, huh?
Just looking for guidance here. I can put up a sale thread later.
PCA set - All Secondaries, all unused when I got them.
1's x 300 - Used the most. Could use a bath, but all still sharp edges.
5's x 340 - Used, sharp edges
25's x 100 - Used the least. Very sharp edges, some may still be chalky.
100s x 20 - Bought new, maybe used only twice.
Oh, and there's a rack of unbranded Paulson roulettes that I've been using as fracs. Navy blue (Blurple?) hotstamps with the word "roulette" and a big number 5.
(Hurts to even type that...)
Four Suits set - Bought second-hand, used four times by me. Still in VERY good condition.
1 rack nickels
2 racks quarters
2 racks dollars
3 racks five dollars
1 rack twenties
I have five extras of each chip, plus a barrel of mislabeled hundreds. They're the black chip, but they have the 20 inlay. (LOL BCC QC)
Thoughts on prices? Probably better off breaking up the PCA set into racks, huh?
Just looking for guidance here. I can put up a sale thread later.