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Two Pair
Jan 4, 2017
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Hey guys, need some help filling out a couple racks. If anybody has any of these chips and are willing to hook me up, that’d be amazing. Get yourself a little extra $ for Christmas and helps me big time.
Thanks a tone!

I need:
T100 - 50 (2.5 barrels)
T1000 - 30 (1.5 barrels)
T5000 - 20 (1 barrel)
Hahahaha - a pretty good dude hooked me up with a set, just wanna fill in the blanks with one more rack.
I have a set of PCRs, and some I would sell or trade including a rack of yellow 1000s and 97 of the silver [same color as the 5000 but with the cards hotstamp in the middle (NCV, or no cash value)], but no 100s to spare. I also have 30 dark green 25s, 15 magenta 500s, and 120 purple 500s.

I'm curious what your set breakdown is and what starting stacks you're looking for (T-10000?, 10 players? 20?), and if there are other breakdowns that might work for you.
I'd also be interested in making some sort of trade if the resulting set breakdowns are agreeable to both of us.
I have a set of PCRs, and some I would sell or trade including a rack of yellow 1000s and 97 of the silver [same color as the 5000 but with the cards hotstamp in the middle (NCV, or no cash value)], but no 100s to spare. I also have 30 dark green 25s, 15 magenta 500s, and 120 purple 500s.

I'm curious what your set breakdown is and what starting stacks you're looking for (T-10000?, 10 players? 20?), and if there are other breakdowns that might work for you.
I'd also be interested in making some sort of trade if the resulting set breakdowns are agreeable to both of us.
Awesome - going to send you a PM
@AWenger is possibly able to hook me up with some of the denominations I need. But just throwing a bump out there in case it doesn't work out. Doesn't take long for these posts to get buried haha. Thanks all!
Haven't bumped this in a while, hopefully somebody got an abundance of PCR's from Santa and wanna help me out with a few. Can also purchase more then what I have posted as to not break up barrels and such.
Still looking to fill out a couple racks, could be some extra $ for people who are going to be jumping on those Jack Detroit chips......just sayin ;)
Man, smaller quantities are hard to come by - I feel as if I'm going to have to buy the next set I see pop up in the classifieds and then sell off what I don't need. This was harder to add onto than I had anticipated....
*Talking to myself bump*
Man, smaller quantities are hard to come by - I feel as if I'm going to have to buy the next set I see pop up in the classifieds and then sell off what I don't need. This was harder to add onto than I had anticipated....
*Talking to myself bump*

That's what I found -- you're not going to get add ons in the denoms you're looking for. You might get lucky if you needed $25. I had to buy 2 sets and then sell off the ones I didn't need.
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