For Sale Pulled out all the singles and samples (1 Viewer)

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Nov 10, 2014
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I haven't looked at these in a while so I pulled out a few boxes of sample sets and odds & ends. I'll post here in case you see something you want/need, but even if not, perhaps it'll still be fun just to look through the pile. :)

You'll see a lot of my CT history in there. GCRs on the following molds:
TwoFacePoker (BCC club)
ASM fleur de lis (largest failed GB in CT history I believe)

Most chips will be around $1 each, extras in every package, valuable sample sets (Paulson Grand Casino Gulfport, Ritz) are more. Not sure what the recent market has been for these but make an offer and I'll consider. I still like these. :) I have no idea how to price them. Should I auction these here?

Tahoe Village metal inlay was a gift from the king of all awesome JimB. Not for sale. Too metal.

Personal sample sets from friends are included here. They are not for sale but if you collect and display sample sets from other chippers, I'll be happy to send them along for free, especially if I know you.

I'll include a Links_Strong chip if you don't have one for free but you must commit to posting a pic in Links's thread of you and the chip in an interesting place around your part of the world.

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And all the Paulson GCRs if you'll sell em all together. And the Oversized Paulson mfctr sample chip. PM coming
If selling, I'll purchase the Rounders TRKs. Thanks!

Edit : Looks like I wasnt quick enough.
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GCOP sample please. Since there was already claim on some all I wanted was one of each denom with the FDL mold if available to be more specific
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In for the ritz and rounders if fall through.
In for the ambassador Plaza 1000$, the bcc Gcr pink chip and all of the City of Oak. Pm coming + aria 3$
I'll take the Paulson CDI / JB '98 chips. If the Grand Vics fall through, I'll take those as well. Thanks!
I'll also take the Protege chips. Any and all of them!
Ok RIP inbox. I guess that's what I get with my confusing-ass post on the Gulfports and Ritz. I will auction each set individually once I figure out how to auction. Everything else will go as stated above. May be later this evening as I have just been requested to go to Costco, my favorite store. I promise to reply to all PMs at that time!

I decided to clean my apartment instead paying attention to PCF. Too late to the party :(
I'm not familiar with names, but I want to get my hands on the following:

The sharp one that looks like a saw blade
The grey one with a clover and any others with similar design
The black 50c chip with red and white stripes and any other of that set
And a few CPC chips if there are any so I can have a feel for them
Matsui city of oaks and Paulson Avalon for me

and MGM $5 & $1 + sahara hotstamp $1
ahhh f* late

@Joe Harris -> is there any chance I could buy the 2 1K chips (I need some for my set and these will help a lot)

It would be awsome if the other chips (not the 5's) were available as spare chips for the set (since I have none)...but would already be superhappy with the 2 1K chips.
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