Canceled Rack of House Mold chips (1 Viewer)

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Royal Flush
Jun 8, 2015
Reaction score
N Indiana, USA
Rating - 100%
101   0   0
Not exactly sure what I am looking for, but I know a few things.

-House mold clay chip.
-Full rack, availability of other racks somewhat helpful but not absolutely required.

Post here, send a PM, your choice. I'm flexible with cost, condition, and color. I'll know what I'm looking for when I see it. If we can't reach an agreement on something, we can still be friends, promise.
I have about 60 or so Mandalay Bay $1 that i'm probably not going to do anything with... but they are mixed with the large inlay and small inlay... purchased them 1-5 or so at a time... let me know if these interest you...
No thanks on the Mandalays. I did get 1 rack+ of something I was interested in. So let us


I'd post pictures of my ideas, but then somebody else might like it and drive up the price of my chips, and I don't want that.
Bump. Interested in most of the following. Or similar things.

Relabeling them with artwork that didn't suck, like some of the original Vegas Stardust chips, has potential then...

Yes @bentax1978 did some with the original Vegas stardust labels, not sure where they are now
Those yellow Jupiter 50c chips I have pictured a few posts up, that casino rebranded. Anybody know what happens to old chips in Australian casinos?
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