For anybody reading this thread in the future who may not be aware of the dynamics involved just know that slisk250 is not a chip flipper, I know this and I have not surmised that through his last couple posts either, it was a joke. I personally don't have a huge problem with chip flippers, I get it, it's not what I do, but I get it, however slisk is not that person, he is into it because he loves chips and the chip hunt just like the majority of people here. I only say this because I know if I was new and read that I might not know it was intended as a "so outlandish it can't be true" joke.
@thyechal , I just did a trade for some different racks with another member, the JWs and Lakeshore Inn chips were what he was deciding between and he flipped a coin and went JW. I'll message him and see if he is interested in taking the Lakeshore Inns and if he does I'll sell you the JWs at what I got them for. I don't want to get your hopes up, they are his chips right now as far as I'm concerned, plus I told him I would be shipping out today and I need to get the package to my post office by about noon to guarantee it leaves there today so if I don't hear back from him I'll have to ship it out. If it works though I got you right now, if it doesn't I'll give you first shot at either of my other racks if I ever decide to sell them in the future. (and i'll even put a note with your name in with the chips so I remember who I told that to, unlike the last time I sold chips. lol
