Wanted Racks of Leaded 43mm Chips that are not Grey, Orange/Blaze, or Yellow (Trade Bait Added) (1 Viewer)

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Full House
Supporter Plus
Nov 18, 2021
Reaction score
Woodinville, WA
Thinking of doing a leaded 43 mm cash set, but first I need to find a few racks of a leaded 43 mm chip that is not gray, yellow(ish), or blaze/orange. I can’t think of any so I’m open to suggestions if you have any available. Thanks!

Trade Bait: https://www.pokerchipforum.com/threads/misc-racks-for-trade-trade-bait-updated.102838/

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I’m thinking of using the Garden City $1K’s as a $5 chip, a blaze/orange $25 chip, and the Garden City $500’s as a $1 chip or a $100 chip, but I need to find a 4th color for this to be viable as a potential 43 mm leaded set.
You might find some blues, but they will likely be 25k chips with oversize inlays.
Harrah's Cherokee T5k - solid sky blue 43mm chip, but probably difficult to get racks.
There aren’t many leaded oversized chips in quantity. Aztar aztar and majestic star come to mind
There aren’t many leaded oversized chips in quantity. Aztar aztar and majestic star come to mind
Yeah I know. Blaze/orange is findable eventually. I’m mainly concerned with whether a 4th exists in a rack.
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