SOLD RAFFLE - Mint Paulson Goodness - 755 chips AS cash set - SOLD OUT - EVENING DRAWING, FRIDAY JUNE 1 (4 Viewers)

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Full House
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Dec 8, 2015
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I have bought a few large sets of AS cash chips and after putting together what I needed, these are the chips that I have been able to set aside and raffle in a large set for one lucky chipper. Please do not send any payments until at least 80% of the spots have been accounted for. I will either PM you directly or update this thread for PayPal payment info.

Based on suggestion by some PCF members, I am offering a BIN (buy it now) option, and it is at a discount: The BIN price is $2800. The BIN option will no longer be available after more that 80% of the spots have been reserved and the first payment has been made.

Breakdown of the AS cash set is as follows:

195 x $0.25
500 x $1
60 x $20 (43mm)
1 x dealer button

I am also including, free of charge, 6 set ups of Davinci large index bridge size cards ($90-$100 value). These cards have been used only once and are practically brand new.

There will be (100) tickets sold at $30/each.
Shipping and any optional insurance costs are the responsibility of the winner. I will ship anywhere in the world, however once the chips are accepted at the post office (or FedEx/UPS/other shippers) I will no longer be responsible should they get lost along the way or indefinitely delayed in customs. The chips will be extremely well packed, so there is no concern about them being damaged in transit.

The winner will be determined by the first two digits of the evening NYS WIN4. The specific date of the drawing will be announced once all the tickets have been sold and paid for.

*** The drawing will be on: June 1, 2018, evening NYS WIN4 drawing, which usually takes place between 7:30 and 7:45pm. Winner will be determined by matching the first two numbers of the WIN4 results with your two digit raffle number. ***

For example, if winning numbers on the evening of the drawing were 8-5-6-1, ticket #85 would win the AS cash set

Please post in the thread to reserve a specific spot(s). Do not send any payments yet. I will collect payments once more than 80% of the tickets are sold.

  • Please send the payment via PayPal F&F and put only your username in the comments section.
  • My PayPal info is: Pay Here
Other admin details:
  • I copied this mostly from @bentax1978's last Raffle in March. Dan, hope you don't mind, and hopefully I got it right.
  • I reserve the right to cancel this raffle at anytime before the first payment is made (after at least 80% of the tickets have been sold), however it is my intention to see this raffle go off as planned
  • I reserve the right to modify the raffle to fix any errors or to clarify any rules as needed

Aurora Star Cash Set - 755 Chips





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00 - @CHP TD - PAID
01 - @bsdunbar1 - PAID
02 - @Mark C - PAID
03 - @paul sydney - PAID
04 - @RichMahogany - PAID
05 - @StevenM - PAID
06 - @Sh4nks - PAID
07 - @Bill - PAID
08 - @Bill - PAID
09 - @khaltire - PAID
10 - @JJJGabriel - PAID
11 - @Forty4 - PAID
12 - @krafticus - PAID
13 - @Sh4nks - PAID
14 - @gkitt80 - PAID
15 - @gkitt80 - PAID
16 - @StevenM - PAID
17 - @BHB - PAID
18 - @RichMahogany - PAID
19 - @realnga - PAID
20 - @RichardinTexas - PAID
21 - @hdgeno - PAID
22 - @StevenM - PAID
23 - @Lash - PAID
24 - @colter ripton - PAID
25 - @Oggy - PAID
26 - @ohikthxbye - PAID
27 - @realnga - PAID
28 - @Oggy - PAID
29 - @jbriod - PAID
30 - @beaver - PAID
31 - @mooremo - PAID
32 - @Lucks7Shadow - PAID
33 - @Sparty - PAID
34 - @cmoon - PAID
35 - @Oggy - PAID
36 - @dickzapper - PAID
37 - @daniel song - PAID
38 - @RichMahogany - PAID
39 - @StevenM - PAID
40 - @200 Motels - PAID
41 - @ChipEnvy - PAID
42 - @Oggy - PAID
43 - @Moose1242 - PAID
44 - @cmoon - PAID
45 - @Oggy - PAID
46 - @Moose1242 - PAID
47 - @ovo - PAID
48 - @Oggy - PAID
49 - @RichardinTexas - PAID
50 - @arch3r - PAID
51 - @RichardinTexas - PAID
52 - @bluesman250 - PAID
53 - @Solid Snake - PAID
54 - @grantc54 - PAID
55 - @RichardinTexas - PAID
56 - @mooremo - PAID
57 - @TheBigTater - PAID
58 - @bluesman250 - PAID
59 - @hdgeno - PAID
60 - @justsomedude - PAID
61 - @Heavyball - PAID
62 - @morrotito - PAID
63 - @Oggy - PAID
64 - @The Kid - PAID
65 - @beaver - PAID
66 - @hdgeno - PAID
67 - @XBobdog - PAID
68 - @Oggy - PAID
69 - @Mark C - PAID
70 - @Sh4nks - PAID
71 - @StevenM - PAID
72 - @bradiggy - PAID
73 - @bluesman250 - PAID
74 - @Pikaho626 - PAID
75 - @RichMahogany - PAID
76 - @shleepytime - PAID
77 - @jbriod - PAID
78 - @mooremo - PAID
79 - @jbriod - PAID
80 - @Heavyball - PAID
81 - @ChipEnvy - PAID
82 - @mooremo - PAID
83 - @Forty4 - PAID
84 - @auto - PAID
85 - @jbriod - PAID
86 - @PaulsonCollector - PAID
87 - @The Kid - PAID
88 - @davin - PAID
89 - @Sparty - PAID
90 - @Sparty - PAID
91 - @Oggy - PAID
92 - @RichMahogany - PAID
93 - @Mark C - PAID
94 - @Schmendr1ck - PAID
95 - @DarPodo - PAID
96 - @The Kid - PAID
97 - @HO HO HO - PAID
98 - @Oggy - PAID
99 - @navels - PAID
Last edited:
40 200 Motels
50 arch3r
84 auto
30 beaver
65 beaver
17 BHB
07 Bill
08 Bill
52 bluesman250
58 bluesman250
73 bluesman250
72 bradiggy
01 bsdunbar1
41 ChipEnvy
81 ChipEnvy
34 cmoon
44 cmoon
24 colter ripton
37 daniel song
95 DarPodo
88 davin
36 dickzapper
11 Forty4
83 Forty4
14 gkitt80
15 gkitt80
54 grantc54
21 hdgeno
59 hdgeno
66 hdgeno
61 Heavyball
80 Heavyball
97 Ho Ho Ho
29 jbriod
77 jbriod
79 jbriod
85 jbriod
10 JJJGabriel
60 justsomedude
12 Krafticus
23 Lash
32 Lucks7Shadow
02 Mark C
69 Mark C
93 Mark C
31 mooremo
56 mooremo
78 mooremo
82 mooremo
43 Moose1242
46 Moose1242
62 morrotito
99 navels
25 Oggy
28 Oggy
35 Oggy
42 Oggy
45 Oggy
48 Oggy
63 Oggy
68 Oggy
91 Oggy
98 Oggy
26 ohikthxbye
47 ovo
03 paul sydney
86 PaulsonCollector
74 Pikaho626
09 Pocketful of Aces
19 realnga
27 realnga
20 RichardinTexas
49 RichardinTexas
51 RichardinTexas
55 RichardinTexas
04 RichMahogany
18 RichMahogany
38 RichMahogany
75 RichMahogany
92 RichMahogany
94 Schmendr1ck
06 Sh4nks
13 Sh4nks
70 Sh4nks
76 shleepytime
53 Solid Snake
33 Sparty
89 Sparty
90 Sparty
05 StevenM
16 StevenM
22 StevenM
39 StevenM
71 StevenM
57 TheBigTater
64 TheKid
87 TheKid
96 TheKid
67 Xbobdog
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All random numbers up to this point have been assigned and list has been updated. I would appreciate if you can double check and make sure all is OK and if there is anything incorrect, please let me know...Thanks
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