SOLD Rounders CSQ Cash Set - 500pc (1 Viewer)

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Straight Flush
Dec 21, 2015
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
162   0   0
This is the last set I plan to offer from my Rounders CSQ hoard. Chips were put in play about 3 or 4 times, and are still minty. The pics are fresh, and represent actual condition.

This set includes 500 total chips. The breakdown is as follows:

200 x $1s
200 x $5s
100 x $20s

Price is $880 $800 $775 + shipping.

I also have two extra racks of the $1s posted here if you'd like to add on:

View media item 9819View media item 9738 View media item 9554View media item 9556View media item 9557
Note: If you wanted to buy these from CPC, here's what it would cost you: $190 per rack for the $5s (this is a "stock item"),
$193 per rack for the $1s (these are customs, NOT a "stock item" - they also look a hell of a lot better than the white/pink stock $1s, which were not in the movie), and $204 for the rack $20s (also customs, and not a "stock item" - note there is an 11¢ per chip charge for the DG Saturn base color). Plus you'd have to pay 2.5% PayPal or CC fee and a $36 s/h fee.

So your total with CPC would be:
200 $1s - $386
200 $5s - $380
100 $20s - $204
Subtotal - $970
2.5% PayPal or CC fee - $24.25
Shipping & Handling Fee - $36

Grand Total from CPC - $1030.25

Grand Total from me: $787.40 ($775 + $12.40 shipping within the US)

That's $242.85 less if you buy them from me instead of CPC
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I like them, seems like a fair price, just a little too rich for my blood at the moment. Doubtful they will be, but if they are there around Christmas time, this could be the present from my wife. Good luck with the sale, and in all honesty I hope they aren't around by Christmas and you sell them quickly. Very nice set.
Chips have been sold.

I believe that was the last of my CSQ Rounders cash denoms. All I have left is my tourney set, and those beauties are staying with me! (y) :thumbsup:

Good luck on the tables amigos!
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