SOLD Rounders CSQ Mold Tourney Set 600 Chip Set (1 Viewer)

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Mr. Cheese

Full House
Aug 8, 2013
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
57   0   0
Hey all,

I'm currently running the group buy for the Rounders CSQ and I ordered a nice tournament set for myself but since placing the order my dream set of Tournament chips became available (Grand Victoria Secondaries) so I no longer have a need nor can I afford to hang onto this Rounders tournament set.

The entire order is supposed to be delivered to me mid to end February and from there I will be sending out everyone's orders. I would prefer to sell as a complete set but I will sell them in other quantities if they are all spoken for.

Please note as this was a group buy the chips will not ship out until late February as I don't have them yet from CPC.

I will be selling these for cost which was $1.63/chip + .0767 cents/per chip. The .0767 cents was gotten by taking the total charges from CPC for packing and shipping and the payment fee and dividing it by the number of chips ordered.

I also had someone back out of a sample set so this set will include a complete sample set for free as an added bonus as well as any spares I get.

Get a set while you can with minimum wait time.

Asking 1024.00 plus shipping via friends and family or add 3% for paypal fees.

200x 25's
200x 100's
170x 500's
25x 2000's
5x 5000's

Perfect setup for a T10,000 tournament.
Chip breakdown per player: 55 chips
20x 25
20x 100
15x 500

Plenty of bank leftover for color ups and rebuys or cut the numbers down and have a two table set.

Was just about to email David to see if I could add on to my set of 600 :)
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