I've got a few sample sets available for sale... It's a dibs sale with an exception - a matching trade will supersede dibs.
Trade overrides I'm looking for: Barrel of 43mm RPC $500s, Yellow THC w/Purple spots, Mint Green THCs, JACK Cincy snappers.
I'll keep this open for 48 hours in case a trade or two show up. But if no trades, then in order of dibs.
Sample Set #1 - SOLD
Rounders - 7-chips ($1000 and $5000 are oversized), Scroll mold
$20 + shipping (reg mail or Priority small box)
Sample Set #2 - SOLD
Big Top Poker - 6-chips, 43mm
Catch and Release: $90 + shipping (reg mail or Priority small box)
Sample Set #3 - Relisting separately
Indiana Grand 19-chip Sample Set
$150 $140 + shipping (Priority small box)
Note: the primary $1000 and $5000 look to have rack checks and the $25 is a bit dirty - could use a magic eraser...
If you have a trade offer, just PM me.
CONUS only, please...
I've got a few sample sets available for sale... It's a dibs sale with an exception - a matching trade will supersede dibs.
Trade overrides I'm looking for: Barrel of 43mm RPC $500s, Yellow THC w/Purple spots, Mint Green THCs, JACK Cincy snappers.
I'll keep this open for 48 hours in case a trade or two show up. But if no trades, then in order of dibs.
Sample Set #1 - SOLD
Rounders - 7-chips ($1000 and $5000 are oversized), Scroll mold
$20 + shipping (reg mail or Priority small box)
Sample Set #2 - SOLD
Big Top Poker - 6-chips, 43mm
Catch and Release: $90 + shipping (reg mail or Priority small box)
Sample Set #3 - Relisting separately
Indiana Grand 19-chip Sample Set
Note: the primary $1000 and $5000 look to have rack checks and the $25 is a bit dirty - could use a magic eraser...
If you have a trade offer, just PM me.
CONUS only, please...
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