I've been collecting Pre-98 Paulson Viva Las Vegas chips for a little over 10 years. Every time a few of these come up for sale, I buy. Well, it was sort of unfortunate (I just bought a bunch of CPCs) but a shit ton just came up for sale. So I'm making room for a bunch of new chips for the set.
1500 $5 chips total for a big-boy game.
The chip OCD is now going to activate again. I need more $1s. And a few $10s (I've relabeled the blue $10s to $.25) too. I have room for 400 more chips in the drawer.
1500 $5 chips total for a big-boy game.
The chip OCD is now going to activate again. I need more $1s. And a few $10s (I've relabeled the blue $10s to $.25) too. I have room for 400 more chips in the drawer.