For Sale Siam Imperia (CPC) sample sets (2 Viewers)

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Royal Flush
May 29, 2013
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
205   0   0
EDIT: International shipping is not factored into the cost. International shipping is available, but buyer to pay actual shipping costs, with $4 credit from sample set purchase price.

So when I ordered my recent semi-customs from CPC, there was a bit of urgency to get the order in, before the E&C mold run was finished. So I was not able to take orders for sample sets.

However, I did order an extra barrel of each denom, so that I could offer a limited number of sample sets once the chips arrived.

So I have 20 x 6-chip sample sets, for the main playable set (price $25 shipped)

For those buying a sample set, I have a very limited number of specialty chip add-ons:
5 x dealer button (add $3 to set price)
2 x "extras" set, consisting of a bounty, re-buy, and show 'em chip (add $5 to set price) (SOLD OUT)

The sample sets are not oiled, and still are chalky from the factory.

Let me know if you want a set. And please specify if you want any of the extras. Very limited supply there.
Just post in the thread, and I'll contact you via PM.



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1. @arch3r (plus extras and dealer) -- PAID (shipped) (delivered)
2. @v1pe (plus extras and dealer) -- PAID (shipped) (delivered)
3. @Forty4 -- PAID (shipped) (delivered)
4. @pltrgyst (plus dealer) -- PAID (shipped) (delivered)
5. @Pablito -- PAID (shipped)
6. @FDLmold -- PAID (shipped) (delivered)
7. @PatTheCat -- PAID (shipped) (delivered)
8. @Dr Lecterr -- PAID (shipped) (delivered)
9. @Pete -- PAID (shipped) (delivered)
@Ronoh (dealer button ONLY) -- PAID (shipped)
10. @Outkicked -- PAID (shipped) (delivered)
11. @intjester -- PAID (shipped) (delivered)
12. @legend672 -- PAID (shipped) (delivered)
13. @superchromix -- PAID (shipped) (delivered)
14. @softchewy -- PAID (shipped) (delivered)
15. @krafticus -- PAID (shipped) (delivered)
16. @MD Mike -- PAID (shipped)
17. @LabMonkey -- PAID (shipped)
18. @navels -- PAID (shipped) (delivered)
19. @suited67 -- PAID (shipped) (delivered)
20. @Tim Kutscher -- PAID (shipped) (delivered)
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Gimme a sample set + the extras please!

EDIT: Might has well snag a dealer button too... :)
Please count me in for a sample set. Please, and thanks! :)

>> Yes will pay reasonable international shipping charge. Thanks. Outstanding chips! :-)
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I'd love just a DB if possible... no problem if you're only including them with sample sets :)
Does @Jeff have a sample set? If not I’ll reserve it for him, I’m sure he wants it. Pretty sure he’ll take the button as well.
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