Why would you autograph Harley's photo?The SOHE World Champ will autograph copies for free at BBotB if they arrive in time.
Why would you autograph Harley's photo?
I think an autographed copy should be one of the prizes at the prestigious World Championship of SOHE in less than a month!
Strategy book or novelization?
Strategy book or novelization?
About right.
That way Chippy knows what he's signing
And if they arrive a bit later, my flight isn't immediate so you can get the new SOHE World Champ's signature too. HeheThe SOHE World Champ will autograph copies for free at BBotB if they arrive in time.
Ready for print-on-demand sale right now via CreateSpace: https://www.createspace.com/6853837
It will also be available on Amazon in 3 to 5 days.
Ordered mine.
But I feel it's incumbent upon me to remind you that despite it's then huge $100 price tag, Doyle gave Super/System away to the most reliable fish in the game including Gabe Kaplan. I elected to pay and spare myself the embarrassment of being given a copy. Although Doyle's strategy did years later elicit one of the best Gabe poker lines of all time when someone reminded him that Doyle had given him Super/System for free and Gabe responded, "Yeah it was free and it only cost me about a million."
Super System really cost $100 when it was first published?
Thank you for your purchase, sir. I believe you may be literally the first copy sold.
Yeah it was. This was back when Doyle first self-published and literally sold it out of his trunk at road games and in Vegas and back when the title was "How I Made Over $1,000,000 Playing Poker."
Must have been some really lush games if he could walk in there announcing he was going to crush them, sell them a book on how he planned to do it, and still walked out with gobs of cash.
If you ignore the robbery risk, of course.