Wanted Someone headed to the chip convention (1 Viewer)

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Aug 31, 2016
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Wondering if there are any PCFers out there willing to look for an elusive chip for me at the chip convention?
I’m looking to complete my Binion’s WSOP sample set and need the brown 5K chip

Help make the family reunion complete!

If there’s anyone willing to help me out, shoot me a pm! Thanks in advance!
I'll be in Vegas on the 20th and morning of 21st. I can swing by on my way out of Vegas and take a look around, never been to the convention - is your specific chip going to be a needle in a hay stack type of situation or something I could find after a quick look around?
is your specific chip going to be a needle in a hay stack type of situation or something I could find after a quick look around?

Definitely a needle in a haystack situation here. It’s the hardest chip to acquire in the set.

Thanks for the replies guys, I’d say I’d be not looking to pay more than $125? Hopefully? :nailbite:
I’ll keep my eye out for it. Price range?
I'll be in Vegas on the 20th and morning of 21st. I can swing by on my way out of Vegas and take a look around, never been to the convention - is your specific chip going to be a needle in a hay stack type of situation or something I could find after a quick look around?
I am going as well, took a pic of that chip, see what I can find.
I'll keep an eye out as well. What's the price on that baby?

Hope I am not thread-jacking, but if you guys are going to the convention, can you please keep an eye on Starlites Cruise $500s and $1Ks for me...

Any and all Starlites Cruise $500s and $1Ks...hopefully mintish...

Paying $6-$7/chip for the $500s and $7-$9/chip for the $1Ks...TY VERY MUCH

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Should just make a thread with everybody’s requests. Still hoping to swing by tomorrow morning. Does anybody know what it cost if anything to get in if anything?
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