Please sir, spare the 10s for a poor beggar such as myselflook at all the youngens bidding, ut oh, a senior player just joined the bidding
I didn't realize there was discussion on these already. Apologies!
Right!I don't know why he didn't just auction them here. I would be surprised if it isn't going to be won by a PCFer
I'll take the yellowsYa I'm already going hard on it lol... I just want the $10s and will be releasing the rest at cost haha
Who wants $1 when you could have 87 centsI don't know why he didn't just auction them here. I would be surprised if it isn't going to be won by a PCFer
Not me. My cap was $800. $911 is too damn high.Alright who got em lol
Yep same here. I was at 804 and I only wanted the 10s lol
Your max bid was $735 huh?
Yes, but it really isn’t a playable set as is. I had plans to make it incredible. Just didn’t think I wanted to go over $800. Of course, now I do.Im actually surprised that’s all they went for. I was expecting higher. Really some great color combos. JJ is probably somebody I could get along with. Tip of the hat to that cat!
Agreed it's a good deal for whoever got them. Wanted to go to $3.25 but had no plan for them and didn't want to up bid for that guy just to possibly have to sell them later.Im actually surprised that’s all they went for. I was expecting higher. Really some great color combos. JJ is probably somebody I could get along with. Tip of the hat to that cat!