Canceled Spotted Tourney Aztars (2 Viewers)

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But why would you want to? ;)

If you want to make an offer that includes the high denoms, please feel free. Otherwise, what exactly is your purpose here?

I just realized that my post looked like threadcapping! I’d like the record to show that I in NO WAY meant to crap on this fine upstanding for sale post.

I forgot I was in a sales thread and was cracking wise about how great high denoms on a single table were. My apologies, @Heavyball. GLWS! It is a legendary set from back in the day.
This is probably my favourite tournament set I’ve seen on PCF. I keep coming back to this page.....going to figure out my Christmas finances and see if I can scoop one of these up.....
liftakeg huh Mel

Well, that sounds like exercise! I prefer to lift that keg, one pint at a time :)

But a free keg as incentive to buy a grail set? That sounds like a deal that is right up my alley! :)
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