Wanted Star Trek Chips (Hilton, LV) - Kirk and Spock ($80 each) (1 Viewer)

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Straight Flush
Mar 8, 2018
Reaction score
Zurich, Switzerland
I’m a chipper and a Trekkie and would love to track any or all of the following down to use as card cappers.

Offering up to $80/chip.

Can provide a U.S. address.

Thanks for the help!

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The Star Trek Experience at the Hilton was so great. I miss it, but am glad I did get there and experience it before it was gone. Star Trek is in such a sad state these days. Other than Picard Season 3, pretty much everything from the new JJ Abrahams reboot movies onward has been insultingly terrible science fiction and a travesty to the legacy of the franchise. But that's just my "Old man shouting at clouds" opinion. Good luck hunting down those chips, they are beautiful. Thanks for posting the pics, I have never seen them before.
The Star Trek Experience at the Hilton was so great. I miss it, but am glad I did get there and experience it before it was gone. Star Trek is in such a sad state these days. Other than Picard Season 3, pretty much everything from the new JJ Abrahams reboot movies onward has been insultingly terrible science fiction and a travesty to the legacy of the franchise. But that's just my "Old man shouting at clouds" opinion. Good luck hunting down those chips, they are beautiful. Thanks for posting the pics, I have never seen them before.
Yeah, I missed the Hilton experience when it was still on. Too bad.

I agree with you on the newer stuff - I watched season 1 of Picard even, but just couldn’t get into it. I’ve become a pretty big fan of Strange New Worlds however - reminds me a lot of classic Trek before they just turned into action movies in space.

Thanks for the eBay link. Saw that too, but I’m always leery of sellers with zero feedback selling bigger ticket items.
If you haven't watched it yet, watch Picard Season 3. Seasons 1 and 2 are utter junk, written and directed by hacks, but season 3 is a freak anomolie. The showrunner nad director went on to direct "bigger and better" opportunities instead of staying with Picard's 3rd season so they put it in the hands of a rather unknown junior producer who by pure chance was a lifelong Star Trek fan who cut his teeth working for Berman as a production assistant during Voyager and he made threw out all the stupid stuff that happened in seasons 1-2 and made his own totally new thing that is a love-omage to Next Generation and does it justice. Watch it, you won't be sorry. Oh, and what does this junior producer get after making such a great season that everyone loved and has just won a bunch of Saturn Awards? Does he get to make more Star Trek? No, his bosses didn't like that he upstaged them and his season was clearly so much more superior to their own. He has been moved off of Star Trek and if directing the Return To Witch Mountain remake mini-series.
Looks like I have a bead on the Enterprise chips, thanks!

Just looking for one each of the Kirk and Spock chips. 4 of them (2 each) just sold in a fb group for $50 each, but I'd be willing to pay as high as $65 each.

Any help greatly appreciated.
My recollection is that the two you're looking for (Spock and Kirk) were one year, and the other set with the 4 ships, and the other characters were a separate year (2005?). I have a full set of the 4 ships and the characters that I picked up over time. It seems to me that they come up for reasonable prices every so often. The Spock and Kirk chips are usually very expensive when they come up. If you really want them, you're going to have to pay up.
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