SOLD Starter Cash Set (1 Viewer)

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Full House
Feb 9, 2016
Reaction score
Collegeville, PA
Rating - 100%
46   0   0
I'm not actively selling my Riverside Chipcos, but I have so many damn chips (almost 4000 in total - many not pictured) that I wouldn't want to keep them from someone who could use them. I'd be keeping the best quality chips since they are in rotation for my monthly game, but I have plenty extras of the $1 and a few racks of $5 (can be used as $0.05) and $25 (can be used as $0.25). I don't have a price because I don't have a preset number I want to sell, nor do I want to dissuade anyone, but if you are just starting up your collection and looking for casino-grade ceramics that are in used condition, shoot me a PM with your budget and desired counts. I'll do my best to get you a playable set of durable chips for an affordable price. :)

Few pics for your reference.


Well shit, just shipped off 1500 chips to @namsupak today. More than I wanted to sell, but it seems like he will put them to better use! I still have my 1 table tourney set, 600 uncirculated $1s, and like 1100 average condition $1s.

If someone is interested, I'll offer the 1100 ones for one buyer for $165 ($15 a rack), plus the cost of 2 MFRB. Let me know if interested. Thanks!
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