I'm not actively selling my Riverside Chipcos, but I have so many damn chips (almost 4000 in total - many not pictured) that I wouldn't want to keep them from someone who could use them. I'd be keeping the best quality chips since they are in rotation for my monthly game, but I have plenty extras of the $1 and a few racks of $5 (can be used as $0.05) and $25 (can be used as $0.25). I don't have a price because I don't have a preset number I want to sell, nor do I want to dissuade anyone, but if you are just starting up your collection and looking for casino-grade ceramics that are in used condition, shoot me a PM with your budget and desired counts. I'll do my best to get you a playable set of durable chips for an affordable price.
Few pics for your reference.
Few pics for your reference.