Status of TapaTalk (1 Viewer)

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Royal Flush
Mar 23, 2013
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In the recent days, Tapatalk has made changes to their offerings for forum owners. They have disabled some features that we've had access to (for free) for years, and now they're holding those options ransom for a monthly subscription fee.

At the moment, it's only a few features... but this is most likely the beginning of an expensive, already unnecessary add-on. Taptalk often causes problems for mobile users and limits them from accessing all the features our site has to offer. Polls aren't supported, third-party add-ons, prefixes, the gallery, and other features are also unsupported. The lack of support for the product, the limitation of the features, and now Tapatalk holding site admin features hostage for a monthly fee... I don't feel it is necessary to continue offering it.

Our statistics show about 25 members use Tapatalk on a daily basis. We're hoping that you can give our responsive mobile style a chance. It's easy to create a shortcut on your home screen too.


We know there will be some unhappy members of that small group of active TapaTalk users, so let's discuss it here.
What are your thoughts?
I mostly use tapatalk for this forum. I think it's great for browsing through the forum with your mobile phone. Is there any other service like tapatalk?
Using the Chrome or Safari works flawlessly for me on my phone! There are many other sites including old blue that are somewhat broken or annoying to use. With Tommy's constant updates and meticulous care we have a wonderful site that works well on all browsers.
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I used to use Tapatalk, but switched to Chrome on Android. I see no reason to use Tapatalk, and will not be switching back.
I'm one of the 25 daily Tapatalk users. After the last updating disaster (their disaster, not yours, Tommy) they did repair it to make it a pretty usable site. I still prefer it to the mobile site after having used both quite a bit.

I'm not clear on what the options are at this point. Is a lesser version of Tapatalk still available for free or are there only fee-based options now? If there's a free version, I say stick with that until it's evidently useless.

As you know I'm a regular Tapatalker but I'm willing to try to make the change based on your advice. The thing I like most about PCF via tapatalk is the speed of taking me to new topics and directly to unread posts within a thread. I'm not on as much as I'd like to be lately and that helps me keep pace better. The things I dislike are no polls, gallery links don't show, and can't see all the user profile in posts (location etc).
On mobile the only thing worse than every forum ever prompting you to try Tapatalk the first time you visit it is the continual browser hijack ads on some sites that take you to the game of war store page or whatever millions of garbage "freemium" games are out there. Good riddance for me.
Forgot to quote Courage's post...

I bookmarked the link used for "new posts" and then hit the blue dot next to the title to jump to the first unread in the thread. Seems to work fine for me.
I use it too. I think the push notifications that link straight to a topic are really nice. I'm sure the threads actually look better will all the features on mobile chrome though.
I'm also one of the 25. Can switch to browser on my Android. No problemo. When the site stops working w/Tapatalk, will uninstall Tapatalk.
I'm one of the 25 daily Tapatalk users. After the last updating disaster (their disaster, not yours, Tommy) they did repair it to make it a pretty usable site. I still prefer it to the mobile site after having used both quite a bit.

I'm not clear on what the options are at this point. Is a lesser version of Tapatalk still available for free or are there only fee-based options now? If there's a free version, I say stick with that until it's evidently useless.

I actually rolled back to the previous version of TapaTalk after I found out that their latest version was able to read private info stored in our database.
One of the biggest problems with Tapatalk in general is it bypasses many xenforo security features and permissions. It even got pulled from the 3rd party add-on section of xenforo's site.

Forum Runner is the only alternative but I think they charge the end user for the app. The last time I tested it, we were still running the old forum and it was not that good.


As you know I'm a regular Tapatalker but I'm willing to try to make the change based on your advice. The thing I like most about PCF via tapatalk is the speed of taking me to new topics and directly to unread posts within a thread. I'm not on as much as I'd like to be lately and that helps me keep pace better. The things I dislike are no polls, gallery links don't show, and can't see all the user profile in posts (location etc).

On the mobile browser its pretty good too.

Screenshot_2015-10-23-14-56-02.png Screenshot_2015-10-23-14-56-16.png

Thanks for giving it a try.
I've used it a bunch, and to be honest, it is primarily for uploading photos from my phone to the forum. This was especially simple/helpful at meetups (the event blogs), where tapatalk hosted these photos (I think). I know we can now upload photos/files, but not sure if it's as easy as tapatalk, but willing to give it a try if people have suggestions?

Also, if we stop utilizing tapatalk, what will happen to the many cool meetup blog photos that were posted on PCF using the app?
I use Tapatalk daily to access from my phone and iPad. The main feature I like is how easy it is to post pics thru the Tapatalk interface. When I try to post pics thru the mobile PCF site, I first have to upoad to photo bucket or some other site, then copy the link and paste. Is there an easier way ?
Also, if we stop utilizing tapatalk, what will happen to the many cool meetup blog photos that were posted on PCF using the app?

I never had tapatalk image hosting turned so the images are either hosted here or the person's private image host.
I use Tapatalk daily to access from my phone and iPad. The main feature I like is how easy it is to post pics thru the Tapatalk interface. When I try to post pics thru the mobile PCF site, I first have to upoad to photo bucket or some other site, then copy the link and paste. Is there an easier way ?

Should be no problem uploading a photo like you do on your PC or MAC. Maybe that was on the old vBulletin forum.
No idea how Tapatalkahootiedoo works (nor do I care to), but I've had zero issues with my new Galaxy Note 5 using chrome to access PCF. Concerned about it circumventing forum security, however -- that would be enough for me to give it the boot, no matter who's using it.
@k9dr I tested uploading an image via Chrome on my phone. I had the option to take a photo or choose one from my phone docs/gallery. Went pretty smooth.

Screenshot_2015-10-23-17-20-47.png Screenshot_2015-10-23-17-21-01.png
I'm one of the Tapatalkers as well, though perhaps not *every* day - I usually view the site on my work PC. But when you have ham fingers and a phone that ISN'T the size of a helicopter landing pad, Tapatalk is MUCH easier to navigate than the mobile site, despite its shortcomings (which HAVE been getting a lot worse...)
I am one of the 25 that use it primarily when I am on the road or not near my computer. I only started using it because I am on a couple of other forums that I visit. It is nice to have one place to go to see all new threads but if you moved off of it, it would not be a deal breaker for me. In fact I will try to use the mobile site once I finish this post. If we are not able to take advantage of what this site offers due to tapatalk charging then I say bye bye tapatalk. Not sure we want to send them money and we cannot expect for @Tommy to foot the bill more than he already does.
Thanks Tommy for what you do and I am behind whatever direction you go with tapatalk.
Ok. On the Mobil site and seems good so far. I will try it and see how it goes. I am thinking it it will good. So have to share my updated home screen. Pretty easy upload!

On Chrome, I click the button (3 little dots) in the top right to open the menu and chose "Add to Home Screen". It will create a direct link to the page you are currently viewing so doing it from the forum index page would be best.
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