Canceled Sunfly 39mm and 43mm hybrid travel samples (1 Viewer)

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Aug 19, 2018
Reaction score
Bronx, NY
Rating - 100%
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This travel set is done traveling. The travel set ended at @warma. He graciously said that if anyone is interested in seeing them, PM him. Thanks for participating!

below is the original post:

This is a travel sample set consisting of 39mm and 43mm sample sets. The cost is to ship them to the next person once you receive them. The last person in line will send them back to me. This for US PCF members only due to shipping costs. Please post if interested :)
They are currently at or going to:
@warma - here
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I am interested. Thanks for getting this up and running.

I really haven’t looked closely at singly offerings, what are the different chip options beyond the size? I know they have a few different lines, but wasn’t sure what most people have used around here.
I forgot which chip mold they are, but they are the ones with smaller decals. I’ll look it up later.
Thanks a ton for doing this @yone! I've been looking to get a shuffle stack of these for a while but I think the only ones out there in quantity are the AC BW. Will keep to the list and try to get these out within a week after I receive them. @Saoliver - I'll be hitting sending you a PM for address after they get here.
I can't believe these SunFly 39mm hybrids don't have more traction in the US. I mean I guess I can believe it because of how cost prohibitive to get a set, but I really hope this traveling set can open some eyes.

I know the 43mm get all the love but the 39mm are also fantastic. They are neither slippery nor slick like Bud Jones, but still have the sound qualities closer to plastic chips than to chipco-style ceramics.

After being able to get my hands on a stack of these, I am 100% dead set using these to create my next set, going with 39mm .25-$5 and switching to oversized $25 and $100. Thanks all to @yone for being open to setting this up - I have been looking for stateside samples of the 39mm for a while now.

@Saoliver - PM me your address and I'll have these in the mail tomorrow or Thursday

@yone - you're in line for a free sample when I get around to having these made in a few months!
FYI - 39mm with the smaller decal they should the HB001 and the Old School 43mm should be the HB005 mold made and paid for by PCF. Maybe @SUN-FLY Poker Chips can confirm that the Ascona are the HB001 mold?
Yes they are HB001, I just checked my email.
Also saw the painful shipping cost... I think what they need to do is probably take quarterly orders and pay someone to redistribute.
They're in the mailbox awaiting their trip up the coast to @Saoliver today! 20 39mm and 11 43mm in total.

Thoughts on these:
43mm - These are great! The HB005 developed for PCF is perfect for a ceramic style oversized chip.

39mm - I'm in shock that there are not more of these HB001 out there. As an affordable alternative (and yes I'm including shipping as part of the whole-cost affordability) to custom clays, this is a no brainer. Edge alignment is near perfect in this sample, the chips stack better than plastic, and they sound better than traditional ceramic. The color and printing is up to par, and although I hear blacks can be a pain, the Old School GB 43mm blacks look better than I would have expected.

I think the 43mm started getting the bulk of the orders on PCF because they're the shiny new toy, but long term I see the 39mm being a perfect custom chip for nearly every level, entry, casual, and "need to own 5 of everything" fanatic, due to the playability, cost, and customization.

I know the 43mm stack like bricks, but as for the 39mm - I currently own Paulsons, custom CPCs, custom Chipcos, and have owned BJs (sold them, group hated them), and have stacks of Matsui, Gemaco, and RT plastics, and these hands down stack better than even the best of plastics. I'm not sure there would be any stackability concerns for the 39mm when you know what you're getting, which is simply not a clay chip.

There also showed zero signs of color transfer on the white chips in either the Ascona 39mm nor the Old School 43mm.
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Given the 43mms seem to be the basis for this upcoming group buy I'd love to get a chance to see/feel the chips in person.

I'd like to try them out for a week.

Thanks for doing this
If you’re last on the list, I wouldn’t mind you holding them for a week. But if there happens to be a group buy going on, which I really don’t know about @JustDave ; I would say a couple of days so people behind you can get a chance to see them before the GB deadline.
I did the same thing for the Abbiati group buy, and some people near the end of the list didn’t get to see them before the deadline.
These showed up today. First thoughts: I'm glad I got to handle these in person and sad that I'm just now handling them. The Old School (43mm) are awesome. I'm sad I missed out on the group buy for them. The Ascona might have been enjoyable on their own but after the 43mm, they feel like something is lacking. The card mold ceramic addition was nice. I would like to hold more of those together to get a better feel (and compare to the diamond mold).

Sunfly Samples.jpg
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