Symphony vs whisper vinyl (1 Viewer)


Two Pair
Sep 30, 2022
Reaction score
Butte MT USA
Hello all,
I'm looking at vinyl for the rail. What is the difference between Symphony vinyl v whisper vinyl. (YAT)
How do they compare with1) durability (I'm placing cupholders in the rail) and 2) ease of installation.
Thank you in advance and have a great week.
Whisper is probably 2 to 3 times easier to work with. If you've never pulled a rail, symphony definitely shouldn't be your first.

They're probably equivalent from durability standpoint.
Whisper is probably 2 to 3 times easier to work with. If you've never pulled a rail, symphony definitely shouldn't be your first.

They're probably equivalent from durability standpoint.
I've made about ten tables. But that was a decade ago. I will be using a heat gun this time around. I used to pull with all my might and have someone staple. Turned out nice, BUT way too hard.
I used black Texuede on my first topper from @T_Chan , and I'll be reupholstering my next 2 table rails with it when I get the chance, because the feel is just awesome. My blackjack table has a vinyl rail, which is fine because it's quite a bit smaller.
Oh man.... you're talking me into it..... How is it to pull?
Texuede is easier to work with than vinyl IMO.
I can't get samples. YAT is out of stock. I'm looking to get BLACK. but the Nightfall looks darker. I'm assuming this is due to the photos on Yat and Black is what I want. True? How would the black texuede look with your felt? (I'm having a custom felt made. Black with silver lettering)
Tuxuede black
I think you guys have talked me into the texuede black.... thank you for the advice
couple more questions, any problem with the cupholders in the rail, do I need the heatgun to pull the texuede?
Thank you guys so much. I'm getting the wood this weekend. (2 sheets of 3/4")
couple more questions, any problem with the cupholders in the rail, do I need the heatgun to pull the texuede?
Thank you guys so much. I'm getting the wood this weekend. (2 sheets of 3/4")
Good luck on your build!
One thing I wish I had bought were a set of upholstery pliers. By the end of stretching the whisper vinyl from YAT it felt like I had rheumatoid arthritis. I built the table solo, so stretching and stapling the rail was the most tedious part. Id say if you are willing to buy a heat gun, I think money would be better spent on pliers and use the wife’s hair dryer if need be.
Good luck on your build!
One thing I wish I had bought were a set of upholstery pliers. By the end of stretching the whisper vinyl from YAT it felt like I had rheumatoid arthritis. I built the table solo, so stretching and stapling the rail was the most tedious part. Id say if you are willing to buy a heat gun, I think money would be better spent on pliers and use the wife’s hair dryer if need be.
pliers are a life saver... well, hand savers ;).

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