I'm pretty new to the forum and about the info and knowledge. I've been running a roughly monthly tournament for the last year+ and want everyone's thoughts on my structure below. All breaks are only 10min except the first one which is 20-30min as we have dinner. Does this sound ok for 10-20 players 1-2 tables, start at 5pm end around 11pm. We offer rebuys until the first break and add-ons. We normally have VERY few rebuys and almost everyone adds on an additional 10,000 chips. Would you tweak anything below? I'm open to all questions. Thanks in advance!
25/50 20min
50/100 20min
75/150. 20min
100/200 20min
Break. 20-30min
100/200 (25) ante 20min
150/300 (25) 20min
300/600 (50) 20min
400/800 (75) 20min
Break 10min
500/1000 (100) 20min
800/1600 (200) 20min
1200/2400 (300) 20min
1500/3000 (400) 20min
2000/4000 (500) 20min
3000/6000 (500) 20min
4000/8000 (1000) 20min
6000/12000 (1000) 20min
10000/20000 (2000) 20min
15000/30000 (2000) 20min
I had lost my previous blind set-up when my laptop died so this is what I made worn for the last tourney. Thanks in advance!
25/50 20min
50/100 20min
75/150. 20min
100/200 20min
Break. 20-30min
100/200 (25) ante 20min
150/300 (25) 20min
300/600 (50) 20min
400/800 (75) 20min
Break 10min
500/1000 (100) 20min
800/1600 (200) 20min
1200/2400 (300) 20min
1500/3000 (400) 20min
2000/4000 (500) 20min
3000/6000 (500) 20min
4000/8000 (1000) 20min
6000/12000 (1000) 20min
10000/20000 (2000) 20min
15000/30000 (2000) 20min
I had lost my previous blind set-up when my laptop died so this is what I made worn for the last tourney. Thanks in advance!