SOLD Terrible's $5 Lagrange Secondary (1 Viewer)

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Nov 12, 2015
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Up for sale is 1 rack of Terrible's LaGrange Secondary $5's

Great condition chippies, see pics!

Asking $210 shipped in the USA (international pay actual shipping)

I'm including the chipped 66.7 rack pictured.

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Ooh...I have a rack of $5 St Jo secondaries and even some $25 St Jo secondaries, all practically mint, but I prefer the St Jo Primaries.

What else ya got?
I'm here to help, but prefer primaries. I have a barrel of $5 primaries, but would feel more comfortable with more, before I cut the rack of $5 secondaries loose.

I have two barrels of the $25 secondaries, but had found (and overpaid for) a rack of $25 primaries, so I could cut the $25 secondaries loose.

So, if I could just find a barrel or two of theb$5 primaries, I'd be able to help you out, somehow...
I'm here to help, but prefer primaries. I have a barrel of $5 primaries, but would feel more comfortable with more, before I cut the rack of $5 secondaries loose.

I have two barrels of the $25 secondaries, but had found (and overpaid for) a rack of $25 primaries, so I could cut the $25 secondaries loose.

So, if I could just find a barrel or two of theb$5 primaries, I'd be able to help you out, somehow...

Cool I'll keep an eye out for you. Please keep me in mind too. The $5 primaries are around, they come up for sale every now and then.
Yeah, I'm not bent on getting them. I have 20 and its not often more than that hit my table. if I ran a large game, I'd use a less expensive set I have.

I'll keep an eye out for you.
Yeah, I'm not bent on getting them. I have 20 and its not often more than that hit my table. if I ran a large game, I'd use a less expensive set I have.
I'll keep an eye out for you.

Well if you never get the St. Joe's secondary into play I would reallyyyyy appreciate if you trade me. Or I could purchase them? You would really be helping a fellow chipper out! Plus this is the last rack I need to finish an epic set ;). Please consider. :whistle: :whistling:
Let me think on it. I'm not against selling them, just need to be sure I won't "need" them. If I sold them, I'd probably sell the two barrels of $25 secondaries as well. To your point, if these secondaries aren't going to see the table, maybe there's no point waiting until I find the Primaries I need...
Let me think on it. I'm not against selling them, just need to be sure I won't "need" them. If I sold them, I'd probably sell the two barrels of $25 secondaries as well. To your point, if these secondaries aren't going to see the table, maybe there's no point waiting until I find the Primaries I need...

Ok thanks. Let me know :)
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