Wanted THC Starbursts wanted (1 Viewer)

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Straight Flush
Jul 11, 2017
Reaction score
Columbia County, NY
I recently missed out on a set which contained several of these colors, so now I’m trying again to find barrels or larger quantities of:

* Pink
* Blaze Orange
* Radiant Red
* Arc Yellow
* Fuchsia
* Sherbert Green
* Any aqua-ish/bright shade of blue (not Light Blue)
* 20-40 chips with edge spots for use as a Bounty chip

Will consider trades. Naturally, my preference is for chips with decent edges and intact hotstamps.

Thanks... Trying to fill out some of the racks below:

That would be terrific. I use these as $5 chips in our 2/5 game and would like to have a bit more.
I’m aiming to be able to put together two separate 600-800 chip cash sets from these, one of which I would keep, the other I’d offer for sale.

One thing I discovered is that two regs in my game could not distinguish between the Showboat Greys and the Light Blues, due to colorbilindness. So I’m keeping those separate for the sets.
I have plenty of Whites, but if they are in excellent condition (no overstamps, good edges, good quality foil) I would consider them too.
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