SOLD The Rest... table, chairs, cupholders, display case. (1 Viewer)

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Full House
Feb 25, 2014
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
31   0   0
1. Table SOLD

2. Chairs, SOLD

3. Chip display. Dont know where I got it, dont know what it costs, but it is sturdy and well made.


Display case $40

4. Cupholders for table.

5 jumbo stainless steel
5 small stainless steel

$20 for the remaining cupholders
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:( unlike.

I love that felt. Hopefully it goes to the new owner of the chips if you can't change your mind.
Received a few PMs about the items listed. To be transparent. If you want any of the items and you cant pick them up this week, you can reserve them by paying now and picking up later. But I am not going to take reserve from a dibs, to be paid in person and picked up sometime in the future.

If you want any of the items, pay now, organize to pick up later
Ill take the table and remaining cupholders. Can paypal in the AM. Trying to find a local buyer for those chips.
I hope whoever gets the chairs does decide to spend a little effort in spray painting the base/legs, they would look so much sexier like that
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