I've just seen some prices at some of the places I buy from start to increase. One place that had been selling 308 at $.67 upped their price to $.78. I literally had a couple cases in my cart one morning, went to work and came back to complete the purchase (wanted to check a couple of retailers before I pulled the trigger) - and it had jumped. Called the supplier, they wouldn't budge. Ordered 2000 rounds of .22lr for plinking a couple weeks ago - now the same ammo from the same supplier is up about 12%. Have received some emails from places I purchase from, stating that their prices will be going up very soon due to the global gunpowder shortage. Ammo for my 300RUM is almost $4/shot - it's a hunting rifle, so I'm fairly content with the amount of ammo I have for it (and my other hunting rifles)(excluding my 6.5 Creedmore AR10).
I was actually kinda holding off on getting more than I have, waiting to see if there were some late winter sales. Procrastination was not a gamble I won.
I did pick up locally some .223 at around $.45 on sale - one store ran out right away, and a long-time employee that I knew said that they aren't able to get anymore in, and the reason it was on sale was because they had already setup the sales a month or so before. They also told me their supplier indicated prices were going up, and there would be shortages.
Hate to say it, been using my chip money for bullets lately, picking up stuff that is currently a good deal. As the space under my bed is crowded with boxes of chips, have to find some place in the garage for my ammo - although I also just bought (2) addl. ammo cabinets that I'll try to find a location for this weekend.
Recommend if you're an enthusiast, to check your supplies and pick up what you'll need. Example of one of the emails below. Yeah, I'm aware of marketing, but I've also been hearing that ammo might be hard to find from here on out (started hearing about potential shortages in late November), and I'm actually seeing it start to happen...