I've been using Tournament Director 2 for about 5 years now, we are changing our point structure for our monthly game.
Going through the cheat sheet im not seeing how this would be possible, but we would like to do the following. Anyone have any suggestions, trying to keep this as automated as possible.
Im going to remove all the formula calculation items, and keep it bare bones. We want to keep track of player outs regardless if they rebuy and award points upon their first knockout and thats it.
So player A gets knocked out in 20th place but finishes in 1st for the night they still only receive 20th place points. Is this possible?
Going through the cheat sheet im not seeing how this would be possible, but we would like to do the following. Anyone have any suggestions, trying to keep this as automated as possible.
Im going to remove all the formula calculation items, and keep it bare bones. We want to keep track of player outs regardless if they rebuy and award points upon their first knockout and thats it.
So player A gets knocked out in 20th place but finishes in 1st for the night they still only receive 20th place points. Is this possible?