Canceled Trimming extra. FLV 1ks, HSC $1s, BTP 43mm and more (1 Viewer)

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Two Pair
Apr 30, 2022
Reaction score
Johnson City, TN
Rating - 100%
20   0   0
Hey all,

Trimming some extra stuff from my collection and some things that I'm changing direction on. My wife says I can't take good pictures btw :ROFL: :ROFLMAO: .

Just dibs and them PM me. If you have any questions let me know. I tried pricing everything at my cost. Prices do not include shipping. Shipping negotiable on some of the single chips.

I can accept PPFF or CashApp.

Update - Most have sold. The remaining chips are:

  1. 1 Excellent Rack of FLV 1k - $525 plus shipping apache rack included.
Will split if all barrels claimed.
  • 2 Used Barells (40) Horshoe Cincinnati $1 (one barrel inlays removed) - $15

Feel free to PM me with any offers.

1 rack (100) THC FLV $1,000 with textured inlays (apache rack included). Catch and release, excellent condition, just got these this week but gonna go with 43mm instead

$525 plus shipping



1 rack (100) THC white leaded roulette solids
- SOLD Bill_Man618


2 casino used Barells (40) Horshoe Cincinnati $1 (one barrel inlays removed) - $15
2 Barells (40) Majestic Star $5 BACC ROOM - $20 - SOLD


1 Barell (20) 43mm BTP T25 (still chalky) - $150 - SOLD Carnth
1 43mm IG Primary 1k - $15 - SOLD
1 43mm IG Primary 5k - $15 - SOLD
1 Excellent 43mm IG Primary 5k - $15 SOLD YoungNoob
1 43mm MS 1k - $10 - SOLD


1 single Paris $1 - $1 - SOLD
2 Jack Detriot Secondary $100 - $2 each - SOLD YoungNoob
1 single metallic gold Black Labrador $100 - $5 - SOLD Carnth


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Wow this has to be my favorite set now. I love that textured inlay. Do you know if the rest of the chips (from this set) are expensive?
They are one of my favorites too. The $5 chip is my favorite chip. They are not bad for THC at least compared to the custom sets (BTP, RPC, etc). Lately I've seen the rest of the denominations around $500 a rack and another 1k for $800. Sadly the FLV chips don't pop up often and then they will in droves all of a sudden lol.

Some other racks from the set
The 2 barrels of MS $5s are pending.
Also going to drop all 3 IG 43mm chips to $15 instead of $20 in hopes someone takes them all :)
Update - Most have sold. The remaining chips are:
  • 1 Excellent Rack of FLV 1k - $600
  • 2 Used Barells (40) Horshoe Cincinnati (one barrel inlays removed) - $20
  • 1 Excellent 43mm IG Primary 5k - $15
Dropping price of 2 used barrels of horshoe Cincinnati $1s to $15 for both barrels.

Anyone buying the rack of FLV 1k ill throw in the apache rack and IG 5k chip for free (if it's still available)

Also feel free to PM with any offers. Trying to do all my post office stuff on Monday at the same time :)
Making a post office run today and would love to save a trip. Will drop the rack of FLV 1k to $550 and take a loss on them if I can get them mailed today too.
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