SOLD TRK 100 Mapes $1s Auction Mapes Money Tree add ons (1 Viewer)

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Two Pair
Feb 21, 2014
Reaction score
A place in the Sun
Rating - 93.8%
15   1   0
Here is your chance to build your mapes set. I am going to auction 100 of the Mapes 1s.
Highest bidder has their choice of the 2nd rack at the same price and any add on racks I have for sale.
I will sell the remaining racks that the auction winner does not take on a first to post basis (No PMs Please)

This is the breakdown of what I have for sale.

200 Money tree 50 centers 180 New 20 Slightly used $300 per rack
200 Mapes 1s used hotstamped on one side of the chip (see pic for condition)
700 Mapes 5s New $500 per rack (Orange see Pic)
100 Mapes 25s New $500 for the rack (Green see pic)
100 Money tree $100s New $900 for the rack

1. All bids are to be placed openly in this thread. No bids via PM are allowed.
2. Bids must be placed in minimum increments of $10.
3. Edited posts will be voided.
4. Shipping via USPS insured to CONUS will be calculated at the end of the auction.
5. Payment to be made via Paypal Friends and Family, or buyer must pay all applicable Paypal fees.
6. I reserve the right to: i) change the rules at any time; ii) cancel the auction at any time; iii) void any or all bids.
7. Tommy and PCF are in no way responsible for any actions in this auction.

Auction will use the '5 minutes after last closing bid rule'. Highest bid before 8:00pm will win unless there is a bid within 5 minutes of closing time- then the closing time will be 5 min. after the last bid was posted.

Opening bid starts at: $500

Auction ends Tuesday 6/14 at 8 pm Eastern.

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I'm confused about the format here. I'll take the rack of Mapes 25s too if they're the blue ones
Auction winner gets their choice of what add ons they want. Then whatever chips are left will be sold to whoever posts to speak up for them. I only have the Green 25s.
One rack of the Mapes $5s if still available after auction and leo822
Thanks for the PM. So to paraphrase to confirm understanding: winning the auction for the $1s gives you the right to buy the second rack of $1s for the same price + any of the other posted rack at the posted prices? For example, I can win the first rack of 1s and add on the orange 5s and MT 100s (I.e., the other non-1s are not yet for sale). Thanks!
Possible to see stack pics of the $1 Mapes? Thanks for the auction.

Really nice chips, love the yellow and the spots. Anyone have any idea how difficult it would be to remove the inlay on a TRK chip. Was thinking about picking these up to do an inlay replacement and turn them into yellow fracs.
You are too funny!! This should be fun to watch.
The first picture of the ones in this listing is the cancelled side. Very faint no silver or gold stamp on any of them and you almost have to rub them to feel if they are stamped.
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